<p>All it does is tempt people to bash Christians. I don't really mind it personally since I'm an atheist, but I bet that Christians aren't too happy. Maybe calling the forum "Religious Schools" would reduce all of the insults? I'm sure it wouldn't take CC too much effort to make the change.</p>
<p>Actually, the bashing that does occur to Christians is well expected by most of us. Jesus forewarned that we would be hated and bashed for believing in him.</p>
<p>Absolutely. And for those driven to bash …well, just maybe it serves to draw some of that venom from their earthly hurts. And/or start the anti-biotics. Here’s to both.</p>
<p>agreed haha</p>
<p>Personally, I’m proud to have been called a “******* bible thumper” on this forum. And as for the idea itself, if people requested a place to talk about Christian colleges, why not give it to them?</p>
<p>I agree I495. I have told more than one people that the term Bible Thumper is a badge of honor to me.</p>
<p>Nikki@:Jesus forewarned that we would be hated and bashed for believing in him.</p>
<p>Also those who didnt believe in him were tortured, inprisoned, executed, burned, and exterminated! This forum is great!</p>
<p>As the non-religious parent of two kids attending Christian/religious schools, I can’t understand why this forum is a “bad idea”. These schools are giving my kids a fine education and I have no issue with the theology presented to the students in these colleges. </p>
<p>Should we not have an “ivy” section, or a “military” section, either? Hey - I have an idea! Let’s pretend like all things Christian don’t exist because of your atheism. Why is this so threatening to some people?</p>
<p>This is a bulletin board about colleges. It makes sense to have a thread about this. What doesn’t make sense is why it is a “bad idea”.</p>
<p>“As the non-religious parent of two kids attending Christian/religious schools,”</p>
<p>Hey, me too! I thought I was the only one! Seems like it usually goes the other way…</p>
<p>P.S. I wouldn’t say I’m NOT religious, just not like my kids…</p>
<p>I think that all those on this forum who are spiritual should pray for the OP. Clearly his/her soul is calling out for spiritual enlightenment. I suspect this is why the OP posted such a spiteful post to begin with. It was a cry for help. It’s okay, OP. I am sure these nice posters will provide some prayers to help you seek wisdom in your quest for religious healing.</p>
<p>Take the high road. If you are spiritually enlightened, good for you. For those that bash your religion and beliefs, don’t you think it just makes your faith stronger?</p>
<p>Some of you guys need to calm down. I just meant to say (and should have made more clear, sorry!) that calling the forum “Christan Colleges” was a bad idea because it’s encouraged some heated discussions insulting Atheists and Christians.
I seriously doubt that it will take the CC admins much effort to change the title of this forum.</p>
<p>“Also those who didnt believe in him were tortured, inprisoned, executed, burned, and exterminated”</p>
<p>And do you think those committing these crimes were truly Christian? I wouldn’t think so. The New Testament’s message (especially in the Epistles) is to let God be the judge and waive our right to do so. If anyone so much as touches you because you’re not a Christian, you can say to that person (with all confidence) that the Holy Spirit is not within them. The same goes to those who committed far worse crimes. </p>
<p>No Christian is perfect, and some of those who claim to be are downright evil. Don’t judge a religion by “believers” like those who torture and kill others on faith-based grounds.</p>
<p>And GiggitusMaximus: Should we be afraid of these discussions? They would occur regardless of whether or not there was a specific forum for Christian colleges. And nobody need shy away from them.</p>
<p>I think many of the posters in this topic have missed a better point that the topic creator isn’t exactly sending out by using the context of insults. There wouldn’t be anything wrong with creating a “Religious Colleges” category rather than one for simply Christianity. I’m sure most of us can agree with that.</p>
<p>Sure. Go ahead.Have at it. None are saying nay.</p>
<p>Not sure the point … sorta like suggesting having a forum for “Colleges With Campuses” …or maybe “Colleges with Students”. </p>
<p>Every campus represents a ‘religious’ worldview. It’s simply a matter of what one chooses to believe and/or ability/willingness to pay for. Secular, especially public institutions are among the most dogmatic, conservative and narrow. </p>
<p>religion - a personalized or institutionalized set of values, attitudes, behaviors, and activities.</p>
<p>“Secular, especially public institutions are among the most dogmatic, conservative and narrow.”</p>
<p>But again, the institution itself does not determine the faith of the students… the faith of each individual student determines the spiritual atmosphere of the college.</p>
<p>That’s a comforting, sorely naive notion. That may have been true @ the University of Bologna, but not @ Paris, nor virtually any US higher education institution. </p>
<p>Anyone who thinks that the college campus is not contributing to the moulding of young minds and the downhill slide of our culture is …</p>
<p>Well, this is neither a palatable or saleable contention.</p>
<p>This is what I am saying: your spiritual experience is what you make of it. You can attend Wheaton (IL) grudgingly, text during the mandatory Chapel services and drink beer behind security’s back. Or, you can attend Hampshire (Massachussets) with a commitment to Christ, become an active member of the Spiritual Life Center, hang out with Christians from the four other colleges nearby and invite your friends to church.</p>
<p>If you don’t like the state of the modern college campus, change it.</p>
<p>Just fyi, most people don’t dislike Christians because of their belief in Jesus. Most people dislike Christians because of their desire to run everybody else’s lives by their belief system, regardless of whether other people actually believe the same things they do.</p>
<p>To be honest, I love what Jesus preaches. I think that what he preached is what humanity should live their lives by. However, I am not Christian, but I was Catholic for 9 years and nondenominational Christian for 3. I have great respect for people of all faiths. It is only the Christians that I encounter (or people of any faith) that try to dictate my life by their belief systems that I have any problem with.</p>
<p>^, I agree. It seems like christians have a certain fetish for shiria law.</p>
<p>So, who do you say the preacher Jesus is?</p>