This is bad news...

<p>It's so nice to listen in from work... Now I'll have to put up with those wretched membership drives!!</p>

July 15, 2009
The Times Agrees to Sell WQXR Radio

<p>Maybe it’s time for an Ipod. We’ve already lost a couple of NPR stations locally that historically broadcast classical all day and have now gone to a talk radio format. The loss of QXR (or signal loss) will be devastating personally.</p>

<p>Further reason to berate the wife for demanding I give up my “antiquated” old Technics amp and larger speaker system and move it from its former position in the living room to a spot I had to scrounge in the master bedroom. At least I could hook the old amp to the former flat 2 lead 75ohm old tv wire which thankfully I left undisturbed when I had all the walls open.</p>

<p>The new Bose “wave” system which I acquiesced to in order to maintain marital bliss does not pull in what the old Technics did. Alas, their external antenna is a different jack config, and while they did provide one free of charge after purchase, I am now forced to consider jury-rigging it into the old reliable 75 ohm wiring.</p>

<p>I’m devastated. This coupled with CC’s new look is far to much to bear. So much for change and progress. :(</p>

<p>Violadad - I hope you’ve checked the Parent Cafe for the format fix. If not, just go to the bottom of the page, on left - there is a drop down box where you can change the format. New is “fresh”, old is “CC”.</p>

<p>Sorry about your radio stations!</p>

<p>I hail from NY, so I feel your pain over here. We still have a great station, and with the Cleveland Orchestra it should be here for much time to come.</p>

<p>ViolaDad…check out Martin Logan Speakers, they may just be right for you.</p>

<p>Best regards

<p>Nothing makes me feel more of a dinosaur than the loss of a beloved radio station. I’m still reeling from the loss of WMCA and WRVR. Now this. I don’t want a crappy signal and membership drives. </p>

<p>Oh, Jeff Spurgeon, say it ain’t so!</p>

<p>It is beyond me as to how these things can happen and it makes me angry since I remember many wonderful hours listening to QXR. WXXI, here in Rochester, is rated as the most successful, listener supported, radio station in the country; if that can happen in a small city pretty much in the middle of nowhere, it is absolutely disgraceful that NYC can’t make a go of what they have.
“Just a Dad in Oh”, could you please tell me what the frequency and call letters are for the Cleveland station? D will be heading to CIM in the fall, so I’d like to set in on my car radio!</p>

<p>binx, I found “it” last night and made the appropriate comments on the referenced thread. I’m now bemoaning having to change each time I log on. You’d think there would be a setting preference in the control panel function. If there is, I haven’t found it. If anyone does, instructions appreciated.</p>

<p>Hmmm, I only had to change it once, and it stuck. Do you sign in each time, or stay logged on?</p>

<p>I tend to log on and off periodically. While it may seem I live here, I do have an alternate life.</p>

<p>Mezzo’sMamma the Cleveland station is 104.9 WCLV - enjoy & keep in touch as younger D will be spending every Sat starting in Sept at CIM with the Cleveland Youth Wind Symphony, while older D (she’s Soprano - Mezzo Soprano) heads back for year two for her Music Ed degree in Columbus.</p>

<p>Here’s the station link
[WCLV</a> 104.9 FM – Northeast Ohio’s Classical Music Station](<a href=“]WCLV”></p>


<p>This is really bad news. WQXR is about the only radio station I listen to and I spend 2 hours a day commuting and listening to the radio. I guess I will actually need to go back to my CD collection and work on sorting and organizing.</p>

<p>Not surprising,given the Times financial issues and the value of a lower end FM license like that (lower end of the spectrum, 6kw power). I suspect that WNYC bought the license with all the good intent in the world, but I am dubious they will be able to make a go of it, a 600 watt FM signal in this kind of area isn’t going to hit that 30 mile mark. Plus with that weak signal, the stereo isn’t going to be all that great…I also personally am afraid of what programming WNYC will put on, on their own overnight music broadcasts I turn the radio off 80% of the time, they have a format that is heavy on electronica and the weird end of the world music spectrum, with some gems mixed in, I suspect QXR under them will be turned into the same thing, a station for the outre avant garde with a smattering of more standard classical. Likewise I suspect neither Eliot Forest or Jeff Spurgeon will make the move, either.</p>

<p>I won’t miss QXR’s commercials, though, pledge drives are better then their commercials, all those funeral homes and hospitals and such were not a lot of fun to listen to. </p>

<p>I will suggest that all is not lost. One thing I highly recommend trying is satellite radio (you can sample their programming over the web with a free trial)/. I have it, and I am pretty happy with their offerings. They have 3 channels, 1 is sort of like QXR that they call “classic pops” that has movements of symphonies, show pieces and the like, they have the met opera channel and then they have symphony hall. Their programming is actually better then QXR, lot more diversity without getting into the territory of the horrid (in my opinion, anyway)…and Satellite works well most places, though the antenna does need to have an outside window (you can use a repeater).</p>

<p>I don’t know about HD radio, if they have classical sub channels, but I suspect that is another option. Eventually, we probably will be able to stream classical music on an Ipod or Iphone like smart phone using 3G (or is it G3) wireless, it is getting to the point where it might be audiophile quality and we may be able in the not to distant future to stream all kinds of good music from the BBC and elsewhere. </p>

<p>It is a chilling note in one sense, and it may not bode well for classical music, in that if classical music cannot be commercially viable, not enough of an audience, what does that bode for the future?</p>

<p>I know this isn’t bring back your station, but while we’re on the topic of radio …</p>

<p>When I was in Germany, I listened to Accuradio all the time via the computer. It’s free, although there is an ad for the station every couple of pieces or so. I stayed caught up on all the new musicals, but you can select from all kinds of music, including classical.</p>

<p>[AccuRadio</a> – The Next Generation of Radio](<a href=“Free Internet Radio | AccuRadio Online”></p>

<p>(We also used to tune into an Atlanta station now and then to listen to the traffic reports and remember what we liked about Germany. :slight_smile: )</p>

<p>just a dad in OH- Thanks! I’ll be in touch too… what does your D2 play? You can probably guess that your D1 and my D have something in common!</p>

<p>Violadad, I am assuming that you went to the lower left-hand corner and clicked on the CC line to return your page to the more enjoyable format? I have had no problem with mine reverting to that nasty new pale page, but now I’ve probably jinxed myself and will awake to nothing but hazy, yellowish stuff on the site…</p>

<p>This site [Classical</a> Live Online Radio Webcast - Free Streaming Classical Music](<a href=“]Classical”> offers alternative sources. Then google “network music system” if you want options for bridging your Internet connection to your home stereo without a PC in between. Works like a charm as long as the kids aren’t simultaneously streaming video from somewhere.</p>

<p>Mezzo’sMama, I found the “fix” quickly, but the issues were in maintaining the old style as the default when I logged on and off. I initially scrolled through the “My Control Panel” settings, but missed the section for page style preference. Once I did find it, a simple setting change brought back the old. </p>

<p>For those confused, follow the instructions here: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;