This is causing me way too much stress...

<p>I have taken both the ACT and SAT reasoning test and I'm planning on sending Harvard my ACT scores instead because my SAT scores are rather disappointing. </p>

<p>Harvard also requires three SAT subject tests, so I have taken those a few times. </p>

<p>However, my previous SAT scores are not so hot and since the SAT people will send ALL of the tests I have ever taken...Harvard will also see these previous very poor scores which I think look very inconsistent with my ACT score...does Harvard look at all previous administrations of the SAT subjects/reasoning as a whole? I'm planning on retaking them in January as well so those will be sent too...</p>

<p>According to the admissions office, Harvard looks at whatever test you scored highest on. In your case, that means the ACT would be your “test of record” that Harvard uses to make its decision. So no worries!</p>