This is gonna sound weird...

<p>I'm applying to Columbia College and on the off chance I actually get accepted I was wondering if it's possible to get your swim test and possibly the physical education requirement waived. I'm allergic to water (no, this isn't a joke I'm diagnosed and everything by an actual doctor) and break out in hives all over my body when coming into contact with it (which also includes sweat). So doing the swim test and the physical education requirement will literally be torture for me and I'd rather not have to go through that more than I have to.</p>


<p>…How do you live?</p>

<p>It’s called Aquagenic Urticaria - Wikipedia gives a pretty good description. It’s not a “real” allergy (it’s just easier to call it that) but I break out in hives when I come in contact with water (shower, pool, rain, ocean, sweat, extreme humidity, etc). Mine isn’t as severe as a few of the other people in the world (there’s only ~30 from what my doctor told me) as some of them can’t even drink water.</p>


<p>they would probably wave your swim test requirement XD</p>

<p>Wow that’s actually pretty interesting. If you can prove that you have it, then I’m like 99.9% sure they’ll make an exception. Why don’t you call Columbia and ask?</p>

<p>I imagine they would waive the swim test, if it’s diagnosed and such. The PE one would probably be harder, but perhaps.</p>

<p>How do you bathe? :O</p>

<p>I try to deal with it. That’s the “more than I have to.”</p>