this is, like, sad

<p>Poor</a> parents of 'Slumdog millionaire' stars say children were exploited - Telegraph</p>

<p>i will never see that movie the same way ever again</p>

<p>I wouldn’t call it “exploitation”. More like, “not anticipating just how popular the film would get”. If the film made as much as a film of its caliber would expect to get in the West, their compensation was pretty proportional.</p>

<p>hello everyone! finally I m a part of cc community… I watched the documentary on bbc few days back 'bout the children, their life has not changed a bit except the fact that they now go to school , pretty sad…</p>

<p>The kids were paid 500 or 1,700 GBP. The average pay for an Indian worker ranges between 0.5 to 2 GBP per day. I think that is consistent with the statement that they were paid 3 times the average annual pay for someone from their neighborhood.</p>

<p>I think given the success of the movie, a lot more can be done to help out the kids or the neighborhood.</p>

<p>Whether they were “exploited” is a totally different question. The next time you buy something Made in India, remember that factory workers are “exploited” just as much. ABC company comes in to open a factory and pay wages where they can earn in one month more than they earned all last year. Is that “exploitation”? It raises their standard of living dramatically, but still not to anywhere close to the developed world. Would it be better for ABC to not help them and open up a factory in the USA because, if they pay the same wage, they might as well keep the factory in the USA and lower the transportation charges?</p>