This is probably a very bizarre question, but

<p>I <em>really</em> like meeting students from all around the world, and in all honesty I’d say there’s an inverse relationship between how much I like someone and how bad his/her English is (assuming he/she isn’t a native speaker). That said, which of the UC’s have particularly larger percentages of international students? Also, which UC’s are mostly domestic (from within the US, or even “worse”, from within California, or even “worse”, from within the region)?</p>

<p>I’m guessing UCLA probably has a lot of international students, but how about the others? I’m particularly interested in UCSB and UCD.</p>

<p>Thanks. :)</p>

<p>The UCs are designed to serve the residents of California, so not too many students from around the world, although many of the instate students are first generation Americans or Permanent Residents.</p>

<p>At 10%, Berkeley has the largest number of international students; Berkeley has 4% OOS, so 86% are instate. </p>

<p>UCLA is 90% instate, 7% international, and 3% OOS.</p>

<p>San Diego is 94% instate, 3% international and 3% OOS.</p>

<p>Davis is 97% domestic (dunno about OOS), 3% international.</p>

<p>The other campuses are 96%+ instate.</p>

<p>Mmm, I figured Berkeley and UCLA would be the most international (why travel half way around the world if you're not going to attend a school that's internationally renown, heh). Ah well, guess I'll have to postpone attending an "internationally-populated" school until graduate school. :)</p>

<p>Thanks for the stats.</p>

<p>At Davis, there is a program of some sort that can pair you up with an international student. The whole point is so that they have someone to practice the language with conversationally and it's supposed to "foster understanding" or something. I don't really know the details of it, but I've been seeing the flyers everywhere...I think it's called PAL? You might check into it? Other campuses probably have something similar as well.</p>

<p>^ Thanks, that sounds awesome. I'll keep it in mind if I end up going to Davis, and I'll look for similar programs in the other UCs as well. :)</p>

<p>If you want variations within California, you can also check out this</a> map.</p>