<p>I found this on the hs life section and I wanted to show you this
YouTube</a> - "The Kelsey Briggs Story." (True Story Original)</p>
<p>i saw that too!</p>
<p>i think the public should be focusing on preventing child abuse (DON’T ASK ME HOW. i have… well, no clue? awareness?) rather than feeling sorry for people who’ve already … well, died from it. i feel super, super bad for her, though. she was adorable. poor kid… :(</p>
<p>god, that’s terrible…i feel so bad</p>
<p>:( that’s horrible!</p>
<p>The two worst parts in it for me were when you see her smiling and being a happy little girl and you can see both of her legs in casts and when it’s like he came back from the war in iraq instead of having a happy homecoming he had to bury his little girl</p>
<p>Raye Dawn Smith said in one of her interviews:</p>
<p>“I believe I’m a good mom.”</p>
<p>I think she needs to be shot.</p>
<p>There’s like ten videos from this user called freekelseysmom and they’re all saying that she should be freed. I believe she should have someone kick HER in the stomach until she dies</p>
<p>i can’t even comprehend how some people can be so sick… and to think, compared to other things happening around the world, that’s not even close to the worst of it.
woww… :(</p>
<p>Why was this posted here?</p>
<p>Because there’s like two months until march 10 and we need something off topic</p>