<p>So I really want to take Adv. Dance troupe next year as a freshmen, me being a pretty dedicated dancer and all. The problem is, my schedule leaves absolutely no room for Adv. Dance. Now, I'm thinking of selfing one of my APs (Bio) so that it clears up a spot for dance troupe. My school is pretty big & competitive, and it does offer Bio as an AP course. Do you guys think colleges are gonna look at my transcript and go, "*** why did she self AP bio when there is clearly a course in AP bio offered at her school" or will they look past that and see my dedication as a dancer? Thoughts/suggestions?</p>
<p>go dance. why take bio as a sheep in the herd? just get a 5 XD</p>
<p>it depends. do you wanna go into dance in college, or do you want to go into science?</p>
<p>I’m thinking medical…so, science?</p>
<p>IMO, i think you should take ap biology. I think they’d rather have a guy dedicated to science. you can still keep up with dance, because that looks very good. they like to see you have other interests. i don’t know how much you know about band programs, but i heard that just because you got into an all-state band doesn’t set you apart from the average joe that just did regular old high school band for his entire high school career. there’s also quality> quantity to consider too. Then theres that “rigorous high school curriculum” to consider. I’m going to guess AP bio is a harder course than Adv. dance.
So go with ap bio. and then set up a dance club at your school to show how much you love dance (really, im serious about that the dance club thing. founding a club is 100000x better than being in some old class)</p>