This Is Us. Anyone watching?

My prediction too that Kevin and Madison end up together , and he gets down on one knee to boot. We will see!


While I completely agree Tess should have sucked it up for the bride, it is TV and Beth needed a win and it was heart-warming to see how that played out. What I thought was weird was that the very feminine dress just became somewhat edgy. It would have made much more sense if it became a pantsuit or something more masculine or androgynous. And, of course, Iā€™m suspending disbelief that Beth could have modified the dress in that amount of time.

And it sounds like Iā€™m in a minority of one here but (looking at this not through TV but through real life), Madison may not ever find ā€œrealā€ love and now, with two kids, it could be even tougher. K and M do really care about one another, seem to work well together and love their family. In real life, at the age of 40 (Kevin) ā€“ do we know Madisonā€™s age?, Iā€™m not sure that Kevin not being able to say heā€™s ā€œin loveā€ with her was enough to call the wedding off the day of the wedding. Having said all that, itā€™s TV so my pragmatic perspective goes out the window.

While Iā€™m picking on certain aspects of the episode, I actually really enjoyed it and am sad we have to wait until 2022 for the final season.

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We all get the true arc of that storyline. Iā€™ve read how many others in the show veer from reality, etc. Normally I just donā€™t care, but this one jumped the shark for me, thatā€™s all.

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Kate has two children and she found another mate. I suspect that Madison could also.

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Not even close to the quintessential ā€œJump the Sharkā€ moment - the reveal that Laurel survived the ODšŸ˜


It is so crazy to think we have to wait until January 2022 to pick back up again! And then within a few months done!

Seriously, I think my fall-winter tv project will be to rewatch the first 5 seasons (if thatā€™s possible on a streaming service). Really get refreshed and reminded before the final season.


All 5 seasons are available on Hulu.

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I thought Madison wasnā€™t going to go through with it when we saw her playing the video where Kevinā€™s asked about where he will be in the future and he says she knows he doesnā€™t want to grow up over and over again. He doesnā€™t say anything about seeing a future with her.

But I thought the scene where he tells her they should get married because ā€œThis is real. This can growā€ --or something like thatā€“was beautifully written and one of Justinā€™s best acted scenes.He was making collage1ā€™s point. And it was so sad when Madison said that it would be so easy to go through with it in part because his family was the closest thing sheā€™d ever had to a family herself.

I donā€™t think it would be that hard for Madison to find someone else. The biggest reason people hesitate to marry others with children is IME that people donā€™t want to take on the financial burden, especially if they have/ want to have children of their own. In this case, it is clear that Kevin will support the children financially.

I also thought the fast-forward to Rebeccaā€™s death was amazing in having a girl and boy play the twins who look so much like what you would expect the children of Kevin and Madison to look.

Oh, my gosh, the bridesmaidā€™s dress I wore for my sisterā€™s wedding was horrendous. This light purple thing that made me look like a barmaid in San Francisco in the 1800s. I never thought about protesting because it was my sisterā€™s wedding.

What I hadnā€™t thought about was having to see the large photo of the wedding party hanging on a prominent wall in my parentsā€™ house. I cringed every time I walked by it. Thank God they finally took it down a few years back!!


I was 11 or 12, and a junior bridesmaid in my uncleā€™s wedding, a big fancy affair. I was a tomboy wearing a pink, sleeveless long dress that I hated. My hair was also curled for the event, which I also hated. The wedding and reception were held at the hotel where I was staying with my parents. After the ceremony I heading up to our room during the cocktail hour. While there, I stuck my head under the sink to get rid of the curls; there was nothing I could do about the dress as I didnā€™t have anything else to put on. Imagine my motherā€™s horror when she saw me reappear! Luckily my hair dried quickly, but I thought my mother might kill me as she was all about appearances.


Iā€™m telling your sister! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Ha, thanks!

My mom is convinced that her sister deliberately picked the ugliest bridesmaid dresses so that she, the bride, would be the best looking one!

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For the last season, Iā€™d like to see, as realistically as possible, ā€¦

How they deal with Rebeccaā€™s care
How Malik goes to college while parenting a toddler
Kate lose SOME weight
Baby Jackā€™s path to fame
Nicky AND Kevin find some happiness


Malikā€™s daughter, Janelleā€™s mother lives in Boston, so if he were to go to Harvard, I assume they would parent together. Otherwise, his parent will continue to help like they do now.

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I like this @toledo - what do we all desire for an ending - what addressed or resolved?

I donā€™t think Kate losing weight will happen. Clearly for Christy Metz this is a bridge she currently canā€™t or doesnā€™t want to cross for herself.

I SO much want to hear little Jacks journey.

Does Randall stay in politics?

I hope Toby had someone to be happy with too.

Beth and Randall together forever.

Spill the beans more on Miguelā€™s ending place in all this


Given that he would be pushing 90 by the time of the 2030ā€™s flash forward, my money is on 6 feet under .

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More on Nick.
Iā€™m bummed about Toby and Kate. I hope he is ultimately well and happy.
Peace in his heart for Randall.
Kevinā€¦meh, I donā€™t much care.


I want everyone to be happy. Howā€™s that for an ending?


Jack is still dead.