This Is Us. Anyone watching?

Yesterday I was thinking that I wish the actual finale was done like a film, 2 hours long, with many things buttoned up.


Well at this point with 3 episodes left, there is about 2 hours (about 40-42 minutes without commercials per episode). So there is your 2 hour film (just has 2 one week intermissions). :slight_smile:

So Mandy must have felt physically ill at the second to the last episode script because of the good-byes. OMG. :(.

In the preview for next week I was a puddle when Beth says ā€œall these years I was doing my best impression of youā€ :frowning:

Favorite moments of this episode:
The tooth fairy moment between Rebecca and Randall.
Beth knowing the play by play of what was happening in the large cabin.
Randall brushing Rebeccaā€™s hair and Kevin lotioning her hands. <3

Itā€™s so hard to see Rebecca soā€¦.empty. :frowning:


Did anyone see Kate in the previews for next week?

These last 2 episodes are going to kill me! Beth is awesome. Iā€™m glad theyā€™re letting Kevin step up.

I donā€™t think so?

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For a long time I was solidly Team Randall and believed that Kate and Kevin were supporting players. Not this season. So nice to see everyone rally round and so emotional. I will give Beth the award for best in-law. She has been a special kind of glue in holding things together throughout the seasons. She brings a perspective that we donā€™t get from the Big Three and has from season 1 (thinking of her getting high with William). I will also give Toby a shout out for his support for Kate. I have loved these last few episodes so much.

I had an outpatient procedure yesterday and when the physician came in to talk about procedure and risks, I almost told him not to screw it up because I had to know how the final 3 episodes of This Is Us turned out!


Here is the preview for next week

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I know no one wants to discuss geography anymore, but they were explicit tonight that the cabin is in the Poconos so it is actually far closer to Philadelphia than Pittsburgh. Itā€™s the opposite situation than what we all had been thinking.

I hope that the loose ends continue to be nicely tied up as they were tonight.

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I didnā€™t see Kate, either, and I swear that I remember a flash forward in a previous season where Toby was on the phone with (I think) Kevin & he said that he would be coming but didnā€™t think Kate would make it. It will be interesting to see what happens with Kate ā€¦ maybe she couldnā€™t bring herself to come. Weā€™ll see.

Todayā€™s episode made me cry. It was very well done.


Right. @CCName1 , I also know some here donā€™t want to focus on the geography but it gets so goofy that itā€™s hard to ignore! A Pittsburgh family (not wealthy) having a cabin in the Poconos (4 1/2 to 5 hours away) that they regularly go to is highly unlikely.
Is it possible, yes, but very unlikely.

On April 2, I posted "So maybe theyā€™ll all move back to Pittsburgh where it all began! " Not looking so far like anyone is going to end up in Pittsburgh but Kevin seems to have come back to the east coast for now.

I was surprised when Kevin described Kateā€™s career as having a masters in education and was creating an art curriculum for California?? (Visually impaired population Iā€™m assuming)

With Rebecca spending her final days/months at the cabin and Kevin and Sophie moving back to the cabin - and Randall and Beth In Philly -
It most have been hard for Kate to be across the country in LA. The decision maker but so far away

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Itā€™s 5 or more years after she and Toby broke up, so I think that line was written so we knew how far she had come.


I thought that was a bit much. Maybe just getting her masterā€™s would have been plenty. What does she know about art? I know music is under ā€œArtā€ but this really seemed like a stretch.

I did like Kateā€™s interaction with Toby. Looks like Toby ends up married or at least paired up within a few years of the divorce. It was sort of ironic though that she wouldnā€™t move with Toby but now her whole family is moving away from LA, including her best friend.

I loved Beth in this episode. She reminds me of myself with my husbandā€™s family. I know how they will interact before a situation even happens.

Who was the other young child? Was that Madison and Elijahā€™s kid? Have we ever seen/heard of him before? I didnā€™t quite understand why they were there. I could see maybe Toby going to Miguelā€™s service but Madison? She and Kevin were only together for a hot minute:

Kate was in charge but nobody actually listened to her idea. As soon as she said it, Kevin suggested his better idea and they all went along with it. Seems like it worked out well but Iā€™m not sure why there was so much set-up of Rebecca picking her when ultimately she didnā€™t really come up with the solution.

Overall a great episode.


Remember how at the wedding, Madison is pregnant with Elijahā€™s kid? Thatā€™s who that is.

I think Madisonā€™s whole clan was there so the kids could support their dad. Toby didnā€™t go so he could take care of Jack and Hailey.

I loved how, with distance, Toby could say just the right thing ā€¦ that she can hold her own with her brothers but she often wilts around them. I liked the writers showing her growth.

I think the scene between Randall and Rebecca was SO instrumental to explaining his character. She always has treated him different, and he knows it and itā€™s where he gets so much of his attitude of knowing best. Not that she loved him more, but he definitely has a different status in her eyes. And everyone knows that, especially Kevin, who made that dig that Randall and their momā€™s relationship was borderline creepy.

I loved how Kate made the boys care for their mother. That was the scene that tore me up. In my dadā€™s final days, I was caring for him in ways I would not have imagined, but it was appropriate and special and beautiful. I always will treasure those last days.


Kate did not make the boys step up . They were there all along.

My husband was one of three siblings. Two boys, one girl. He was the last to see both parents at the end.

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Care for their mother in a way they hadnā€™t been. She made a point of saying Kevin was no longer touching their mother as much and Randall wasnā€™t looking her in the eye. Kate absolutely gave them a kick in the pants.


On geography, when Madison said that they wanted to be closer to NJ and Elijahā€™s family I thought of this group and wondered how far away NJ is!


The Poconos are a couple of hours drive from southern NJ so that actually makes some sense.


But, didnā€™t Rebecca pick up Randall while he was at Carnegie Mellon, so they could go rescue Kate at the cabin from her bad boyfriend? CMU to the Poconos would be many hours away. Very unlikely the cabin was many hours away to be able to do that. Sorry if Iā€™m not remembering that correctly.