*You will not make your lives smaller than me. This thing that is happening”
I so Agree CCC4, Kevin isnt making his life “smaller”,he’s in fact, making it larger, by providing the care for his mother.
Seems like each of the Big Three, are finding resolutions in their lives.
Kevin, stated he felt he was the troublemaker, lot of anger and issues, his way to pay back. Redemption. His big move to care for his mother.
Randall, always intense, carrying the burden feeling the responsibility, he is being released via Kate’s decision, to move ahead. Randall is unchained, free, to live for his big move.Politics.
Kate, finally, always daddy’s girl, she realizes she is loved by Rebecca, that very complicated mother- daughter bond is a actualized, and the balance of power within the big three shifted. Kate’s big move, self confidence and being loved.
The impactful scene when Kate directs the boys to “ see, feel, touch their mother for who she is as she is ravaged by dementia was so spot on.
Often, daughters do those intimate things, combing hair, applying lotion, dealing with grooming, helping with toileting and bathing, very personal things. That scene spoke volumes, so authentic.
One thing I found surprising, was that Randall proposed having Rebecca move to Philadelphia, before he actually spoke to Beth. I was surprised at that dynamic.