This Is Us. Anyone watching?

^ I feel similar about Kate and Toby. I’d like to see much more about their lives than their weight issues.

FNL is the gold standard (imo) for rich character development with a large cast. This show has potential but I’m not sure how long it will take to really look forward to it each week.

Milo V- I was so excited to see him. D and I are avid GG fans. I’ve always liked Mandy Moore, too.

I enjoyed the show and will likely keep watching it. Although I am tired of the “fat people falling in love” story line. (One of the reasons I never warmed to “Mike and Molly”.)

Does anyone else think that Kate is beautiful?

Watched the second episode after work yesterday. I still haven’t warmed to the show yet, but will probable watch a couple more times before giving up.

What is everyone thinking now? I was on the fence the first 4-5 episodes, but there always seemed to be 1-2 scenes that made me come back for the next episode. Now, I’m completely hooked and I had more than a few tears for the Thanksgiving episode. I can hardly wait to see how things are going to play out between Randall and his mother. I’m even starting to like Kevin and my original opinion was that he was the weakest link.

I have always liked Kevin. Also the dad. I continue to watch .

I’m hooked now. Loved the Thanksgiving show because of the crazy start of the family traditions…the Pilgrim hat, the scratchy sweater/ball of yarn, the hot dogs, the family hike.

I posted that in the binge watching thread, after not being able to find this thread, for some unknown reason! I watched last week’s episode after posting that and I liked that one, too, although not as much as the previous week’s.

I just watched all eight episodes over the last four days. I like it!

H says that if we like it, it is sure to only last one season…

I really like Ken Olin - loved Thirtysomething and Brothers & Sisters.

I’m still watching. It’ll be interesting to see all the siblings together as adults, something we haven’t seen so far.

I’m an episode behind. Love the show.

I just watched the Thanksgiving episode and I really enjoyed it too. I like the way the show segues from one time period to another. I’m pretty sure they’ll flesh out Kate and Toby pretty soon. I’d like to see Toby’s backstory. And yes, I think the actress playing Kate is gorgeous! I actually like her character. If you’ve ever struggled with weight (really weight, not 20 pounds weight) or know someone who has, the portrayal is spot on.

Yes, actually - everyone at work said to watch it and I did - it is a good show, not quite as over exceptional as they made it sound but I like it. I like the young dad, he was the punk boyfriend in Gilmore Girls (which is the first show I ever binge watched based on a CC post). It is still holding my attn. but I think I may really cry when the young Dad dies sometime in the series.

Watching it, liking it. But, it does seem like an updated/Modern Family version of the old Thirtysomething series.

That won’t get me the way the death of William will.

@alwaysmom, I agree about William. William’s talk with Olivia on the front steps was the best moment of the show, IMO. Complete tearjerker.

I caught up this weekend on the past few episodes that I had missed. It’s such a great show!

I heard that the contract for the actress who plays Kate requires her to lose weight.

Adore this show. Some really meaningful dialogue and situations. I too will not be able to handle it when William dies. I am curious to know how the 3 kids Dad dies. And I can’t stand the mother’s husband!

I adore Olivia. Those little girls!

I don’t need it to be the best show ever in terms of production, etc. - a good show is one that I can’t wait to catch the next episode.

I don’t know how I missed this thread, except that I’ve been spending less time on cc. I loved this show from the first episode. And, yes, I was a Parenthood/FNL/Brothers & Sisters/30something fan. I love Miguel. Well, at least the actor, from his Castle days. I’m curious why Kevin dislikes him so.

I finally watched the past two weeks straight through (I’d caught bits and pieces but was traveling and so couldn’t just sit there and concentrate). William’s talk with Olivia also had me in tears, 2VU. For me, Randall is the best thing on the show. Mandy Moore’s character is interesting, but I’ve never been a big Mandy Moore fan. I can’t wait to find out how the dad dies.

There was a scene with the young dad (Gilmore’s Jess) where I thought there was foreshadowing that he’d die on his motorcycle…