This isn't an issue, is it?

<p>While processing the honors college app, it shows DS ranked as 5th in his class. His weighted ranking.</p>

<p>When we filled out the scholarship app, we put 3rd. That Is the ranking the GC told me to use, as that is his unweighted ranking, and that is what they use to determine the valedictorian and salutatorian. </p>

<p>I hope it doesn’t appear like he lied. All of this should have been in his HS transcript, and UA uses the weighted ranking?</p>

<p>On a side note, the current valedictorian was suspended from school for a week due to drinking on the school bus for a school sponsored event. She should be disqualified for valedictorian. However, her parents have filed a lawsuit against the school district to prevent that. </p>

<p>I told DS, depending on his grades this year, if her suspension holds, he could move up to salutatorian. His reply: “oh no, I would have to make a speech!” :open_mouth: </p>

<p>This should NOT be an issue at all. Schools know that at many schools, rankings can be fluid…changing after each quarter, changing when weighting comes into play, etc.</p>

<p>My kids’ HS didn’t even tell you your ranking at all…and you only found out that you were Val at the very end.</p>

<p>Ok, good to know. Thanks.</p>

<p>I love valedictorian stories!</p>