This kid turned down Ivy League schools to go to UA

What a wonderful article and a level headed young man.

I m not surprised but very pleased to read this. Full tuition scholarship plus honors program is hard to beat!

Really wishing him, and all the very smart UA ‘accepts’, the very best of luck! :wink:

This young man is wise beyond his years. Glad he didn’t buy into that prestige factor because medical school will rack up a heck of a bill.

What a great article!! I’m so excited to have both my kids attending UA-ROLL TIDE!!!

Inspiring story, Roll Tide!

Two Auburn FB friends responded to my FB post about Ronald. Both expressed dismay about the young man’s choice. One of them even called him an idiot!

Well…it’s Auburn.

Yeah, what an idiot he is, getting accepted to all the Ivy’s & several other top universities then making a wise decision. What an idiot, unlike those students at Auburn. :wink:

He gave an interview on the Today show this am. Hopefully someone will post a link when it becomes available.

Isn’t there already a long thread on this on CC?

@rhandco It was closed.

Here is the link. He seems like a very well-grounded young man.

Congratulations to Ronald Nelson on making such a fine and practical choice!

I’m sure the graduate schools he will be apply to will be eager to take him. The young man is wise beyond his years.

I hope we run into him so we can congratulate him personally! Shout out to Ronald from Ridgecrest East!

Funny but another parent told me they talked to his dad at BB this week! I guess they were there too:-)