<p>A girl in my class showed me her schedule for Junior year, and I told her mine.....</p>
<p>This is hers:</p>
<p>-Merit Biology SSL (Student Service Learning - this is when students help the teacher with grading, teaching and teacher busy work)
-American Studies II Honors
-AP Calculus AB/BC
-AP Biology I & II
-English 11 Honors
-Spanish II</p>
<p>My schedule for Junior year:</p>
<p>-English 11 Honors
-Latin I & II
-Honors Pre-Calculus
-American Studies II Honors
-AP Environmental Science
-AP Biology I & II</p>
<p>....She laughed and said that all my classes were easy except for AP Biology. Of course, being the person I am, I just laughed back and agreed with her. I felt really bad about this and a little angry with myself. I usually don't get caught up about this, but Junior year is coming up and I have to step up my game.</p>
<p>Is my schedule THAT easy? If it is, I'll ask if I can maybe change it.</p>
<p>Your schedules are almost identical. Also that SSL thing just sounds plain dumb. Is it meant for students who plan to be teachers or something? I wouldn’t worry, your schedule is fine.</p>
<p>It’s really about the same IMO just looking at the names of courses, but I don’t know whats hard at your school and what isn’t. If you’re focused on one-upping her (Not a great idea, because of the principle of it) than do AP English III, otherwise don’t worry about it.</p>
<p>Days FantasyVesperia has gone without make a schedule thread prior to this: 3.</p>
<p>Anyways, the opinions of people who act like that aren’t worth listening to.</p>
<p>@yankeesfanatic I never was a SSL, but it is kind of dumb, the only cool thing is when you’re a SSL for a Chemistry teacher or Biology where you can set up labs and test them out. Some students enjoy helping teachers, some obviously don’t.</p>
<p>@Etuck24 Thanks.</p>
<p>Dfree, I love your superior memory skills. Care to educate me in the fine art of becoming a thread memorizer?</p>
<p>When you spend 20 hours per day on this forum it would be hard not to memorize everything.</p>
<p>Spoken like a true CC addict.</p>
<p>Yes…that schedule is easy. But the other schedule above yours is also easy.</p>
<p>Latin seems cooler than Spanish, and math is sequential so you can’t do anything about that. You will have the math you need by the time you graduate. Otherwise, you’re pretty much the same, so try to ignore her, really.</p>
<p>Update: I had a meeting with my councilor today, and I told him about my problems about life and such, and I told him about this, and he said that I shouldn’t worry about this and there are just people who like to show superiority over others, and said to concentrate what’s ahead of me, and find the best opportunities. When he asked what I wanted to be when I grow up, I said Veterinarian, so he said Latin was a good choice for a language for the medical field, and so change my classes unfortunately… it’s only minor changes, but here it is:</p>
<p>AP Biology I & II
AP Chemistry I & II
Honors Pre-Calculus
Honors American Studies II
Honors English 11
Latin I</p>
<p>That’s a solid schedule.</p>
<p>Why not switch american studies 2 honors for somthing like AP US history. That way, both of you would have pretty much “equal” schedules. If you are good at english, you can also try to throw in AP english 3</p>
<p>Both schedules are easy. She is dumb. She is in a higher math but your schedule is harder overall. SSL hahahah. She is too lazy to take an actual class.</p>
<p>@1017bricksquad I would do that, but History doesn’t really appeal to me. Embarrassing to say, last semester in my Honors Modern World History class, I passed with a 93% and got mostly C’s on my test, the only way I got an A was because I did really good on the essays and reports lol. My councilor told me to wait and take AP Language and AP Lit senior year.</p>
<p>Your schedules are almost identical. If she says your schedule is easy, she’s basically saying her schedule is easy, too.</p>