This makes me so excited and happy

<p>My teacher assigned us a project due on March Tenth, and I have a concert on the ninth.</p>

<p>Every time they say "It's very close and it will come soon" it makes me happy...</p>


<p>this happens to me all the time. im a procastinator so i usually start the project after the concert therefore im screwed. lol. i cant start before the concert because im usually not even home at that time.</p>

<p>story: i have an internship right after school and i forgot that there was a dress code for the concert so i didnt bring the right pants. my dad wasnt home so i couldnt call him. the internship dropped me off right as i was suppose to be at the concert. i went home on the bus and changed then came back to school. i was 30 minutes late. then i went home at 10 then began my project, slept at 1:30. woke up at 4:30 am. wow, i had a bad day</p>

<p>Thats cool Principalviola. It makes the countdown seem very real. God if I could speed up the 20 more days though. </p>

<p>Hey just a thought, I wonder if after decisions the CCers will start counting down until the day we pack up and head of the BS. Hmmm… I might get bored after the decisions are back and I have to sit throught my classes.</p>

<p>I’m sure they will but it won’t be as intense. All the suspense will be gone. Unless he/she is waitlisted.</p>

<p>Yah, I heard that it is very difficult to be selected off of the waitlist. I heard that Hotchkiss and Exeter accepted nobody off the waitlist, but SPS under-accepted and offered admission to 25 off the wait list. Weird statistic.</p>

<p>we have our huge english project on the 10th!
i dont know if its a good thing or a bad thing :P</p>

<p>I know that Exeter accepted people off of the waitlist because one of my friends was waitlisted at Exeter and was subsequently accepted.</p>


<p>unfortuantely, my parents will not let me stay home on M10, so I won’t find out until after school. They will, however, take me to my fave restaurant (whether in celebration or mourning, though I don’t think that I’ll feel like going out if I get a quadruple-rejection).</p>

<p>I think I might have Middlesex in the bag, and I got AWESOME vibes from Exeter. The guy that interviewed me was talking about my attending as if it was a done deal. It is my first choice. </p>

<p>Did anyone get that? At first it excited me, but then I realized that they could say that to anyone and it wouldn’t matter: if that person got rejected, it’s not like they’d be back at Exeter to say: “you mislead me!”</p>