This one is on Saban

<p>He sends a freshman kicker out to attempt an unmakeable 57-yard field goal. He has to see Auburn sticking a player in the endzone. </p>

<p>Every coach in America saw Odell Beckham Jr. of LSU return one 100 yards earlier this year. But he goes ahead and tries the FG anyway. Pure hubris.</p>

<p>Poor 4th quarter execution when we should have been able to run out the clock. Can’t miss 4 FGs against a good team and win. And that last drive & FG decision was bad and definitely on Saban. If you thought you would try a 57 yard FG, why not pass on those last drive downs to get closer and save clock. Bama just didn’t deserve a win.</p>

<p>A totally unbelievable game. That’s all I can say.</p>

<p>Wow. What an ending. Also I thought I’d read AJ and Webb had broken up a while ago but they called her his girlfriend on air… I guess you can’t believe everything you read on the internet.</p>

<p>Gotta agree with Slippy. Why didn’t he just accept overtime. I guess he didn’t think defense could stop Auburn. Bama didn’t deserve it. Too many opportunities blown with kicking game and not getting one yard when they needed it.</p>

<p>Thrilling game! UA did not make me proud with so many mistakes. AJ’s lucky passes were just that: lucky, and everything else was just a hot sloppy mess. UA did not play the UA game and let AU run the show, literally & figuratively. UA is so scripted, and when they try to deviate from that script to try for a miracle, it just does not work. We will never see a game like that again in our lifetime</p>

<p>I am speechless. If one word said it all then I have to say SABAN. just bad play calls one after another.</p>

<p>He isn’t perfect and his mistakes tonight will only feed his drive to improve. I am glad HE is the coach.</p>

<p>Congrats Auburn on a fantastic win! Does this mean there will be 10 less threads on CC on how great Alabama is? :)</p>

<p>Alabama is still the greatest Football team ever played. Love to see them in BCS championship game with FSU and FSU might have beaten them squarely since they playing real good football. </p>

<p>Now OSU or Mizz will play FSU. OSU is a joke who barely beat Wisconsin NWestern and Michigan. Auburn just lucky to be 11-1 they playing some crazy running game with quick snaps and faking plays. Mizz might defeat them in SEC game.</p>

<p>24-0 is no joke…</p>

<p>What an exciting game. Son and his dad watching it together on the couch at home. Regardless of the outcome, I enoyed watching them share that father-son time together. Special family time we’ll never forget.</p>



<p>Auburn played better ball last night and took better advantage of their opportunities. They deserve congratulations – perhaps their forum would be a better place to post those congratulations, however. You might get a better reception there. </p>

<p>The fact that Auburn had the better football team last night will have no impact on the number of threads about how great Alabama is. Auburn still cannot hold a candle to Alabama when it comes to opportunities for bright and motivated students.</p>


Maybe … but now there will be 10 threads on why Bama is safe from the threat of Saban leaving for Texas. (that was joke).</p>

<p>Seriously, I liked the field goal try but besides a long kicker teams also need long kick blockers … a line with more athletic guys (like tight ends and linebackers) … so they are in position to defend the possible return.</p>

<p>Time for Saban to bolt to Texas.</p>

<p>It did come to my mind that someone from Alabama sideline will knockout the Auburn kick returner. Remember 1954 Cotton Bowl. </p>

<p>CMONE Man its just FOOTBALL.</p>

<p>'Bama played uncharacteristically brain dead football, from the coaching staff down. The team that won deserved to win and, yes, it’s just football. Here’s what my son, who was in attendance, posted on FB:</p>



<p>Roll Tide. We’ve been blessed.</p>



<p>This is the most accurate description that I have read yet. It really was painful and puzzling to watch. I wonder what happened? Just nerves out of control? Seems like both the coaches and the players on this team should be way too experienced for that, but maybe not. </p>

<p>Anyway, your perspective (and your son’s) are much appreciated. Roll Tide.</p>

<p>Here’s what Coach Saban had to say after the game. It is free of vitriol and excuses, and represents the view of those closest to this rivalry.</p>



<p>Malanai hit the nail on the head. It seems that the team and the coaches have just been under much more pressure than anyone, including themselves realized, and it showed on Saturday. </p>

<p>Look, we have to accept that Saban is not perfect. Neither was Bear Bryant. Bryant even lost to Auburn two years in a row once. And lost five games each of those two seasons. He went on to beat Auburn nine years in a row, and accumulate three or four national championships and numerous SEC championships. This loss will not be forgotten by Saban. It will motivate him and the team. No doubt about it. Lessons will be learned. The process continues. This is STILL a golden age for UA football, and academics.</p>