<p>Christian colleges don't allow students who are gay and lesbian. This subforum is the equivalent of having a subforum for "whites only" colleges.</p>
<p>lol oh the nature of internet forums
no wonder tolerance is such a priority for so many educators</p>
<p>LogicWarrior -- Do you have any supporting evidence to back up your assertion that "Christian colleges don't allow students who are gay and lesbian?" Certainly, you are not talking about ALL Christian colleges? Or are you? Are you including Catholic colleges and universities in your statement? Or only those affiliated with evangelical Protestant sects? I think your statement might surprise some gay students I have met at places like BC, Siena, Fordham and Gordon College.</p>
<p>As the supposedly enlightened and more tolerant group complains about intolerance...</p>
<p>pmrlcomm, you think that it is a sign of positive "tolerance" to tolerate, say, racism? To a lot of people, homophobia is an equivalent thing.</p>
<p>Being "enlightened" and "tolerant" doesn't mean that you abandon all values and "tolerate" everything.</p>
<p>Re #3, I think it's pretty clear that "Christian" in this context means "evangelical Protestant." There was discussion of that when the forum opened. Catholic colleges and Methodist schools such as Ohio Wesleyan were clearly not what this forum is about. </p>
<p>I personally don't know what the policies of individual "Christian" colleges are on homosexuality, but I have known for years two (very nice) families of Evangelicals attending or aiming at attending schools including Taylor and Wheaton whose (very nice) sons have stated in conversation with others that they would "kill themselves" if they found out they were gay. (Of course, these particular people belong to a local church that has a reputation as virtually a cult, where the pastor has encouraged extremist behavior such as false accusations of molestation and shunning [formally and literally] even vulnerable elderly relatives who left the church or did not sufficiently conform. I continue to find this very hard to square with these people as I know them.)</p>
<p>I think a narrow definition of Christian colleges was used to start this thread off.</p>
Christian colleges don't allow students who are gay and lesbian. This subforum is the equivalent of having a subforum for "whites only" colleges.
Don't forget to head over to the subforums on the service academies. I'm sure they'd be interested in your views as well.</p>
<p>It is not true that they "don't allow" gays and lesbians. Several have policies that accept homosexuals but require that they not pursue physical relations. Which could still be problematic, except that it is no different from what they ask of their heterosexual students.</p>
<p>There are a number of reasons why some Christian schools would be a poor fit for gay and lesbian students. And there are certainly schools with a lack of tolerance that troubles me. But your blanket statement about what they allow is not correct.</p>
<p>"this subforum is the equivalent of having a subforum for 'whites only' colleges."</p>
<p>equating sexual preference with skin pigmintation?
that's very pc, alright. </p>
<p>someone says he/she/it is whatever - fine.
But why should I have to be the one to compromise my faith?
someone says he/she/it is whatever - no argument from me, I'll take their word for it.
But why should I have to be the one to compromise my faith?</p>
<p>logicwarrior, </p>
<p>I have the solution for you… don’t come to this sub-forum anymore :)</p>
<p>What is it you do logicwarrior? Wave a banner over your head telling who you have sex with? If you want the community to respect your sexual wishes, then keep it private. I know of no school that sticks their noses THAT FAR into your personal life, and if they manage to ask, just tell them the truth- your sex life is your business and not theirs. </p>
<p>On top of that, if you’re concerned about the lack of G&L sub-forums here, why come to the members? Ask the moderators to make one. They are fair and reasonable and if you’re polite and courteous about it, I’m confident they’ll help you in some fashion.</p>
<p>LogicWarrior, just as there are some students who prefer to attend an Orthodox Jewish school and still others who desire an education steeped in Islam, many other students desire a Christian education. You think you are being tolerant, but in fact you are actually just as intolerant (and maybe more so) than many fundamentalists. One of the reasons our Founding Fathers left England more than 200 years ago was because the “State” was pushing a single religion down their throats. They came to America to worship freely. That is all this is all about. It’s not about sex.</p>
<p>pretty sure you’re thinking of the pilgrims…</p>
Actually, maybe there should be white-only colleges. After all, the blacks have them. Sure, a white person can attend, but the social stigma of being white would clearly be damaging to the student’s efforts, thus making it a waste of their time and money.</p>
<p>With that aside, why does it bother you that there’s a Christian sub-forum? If you don’t like it, don’t come here…?</p>
<p>the pilgrims were also forced into a protestant conversion in order to facilitate the divorce of Henry VIII from Catherine of Aragon, not exactly a banner of religious independence. Not to mention the majority of the ‘founding fathers’ were deists. Also, most of American society is based on a greco-roman versus a christian ethic, both societies were deeply entrenched in a culture of homosexuality (just adding a side note completely separate from the topic at hand ) It is true that if someone wants to go to a particular school because it expresses their religious beliefs then that is their right. I seriously doubt the school has bans on homosexuals or students of color, however the environment may or may not be as accepting as a homosexual student may want it to be…so they should apply to a different school that is better for them. College life shouldn’t become a political protest…</p>
<p>SHOULDN’T, but sometimes it does.</p>
<p>I don’t see the point of that. There are a lot more predominantly White Schools than Black schools. Look at Salve Regina. Only 4% of their students are Black, White, or Asian. There are numerous schools just like that who need more diversity. i couldn’t imagine going to a majority Black, White, Asian, or Latino schools but there aren’t many schools that have the right balance so I’ll have to settle.</p>
<p>Ugh… clearly you are not a very strong warrior of logic, “logicwarrior.” What about service academies? All-black schools? All women schools? All men schools? Are those not homophobic, racist, or sexist? Whether or not they are is not relevant to this discussion, but what is relevant is whether or not the state funds these schools. The fact is, the state (by which I mean government) does fund both service academies and historically black schools, like Florida A&M and Alabama State University. Why are you not campaigning so hard on those sub-forums or threads talking about how hateful and disgusting they are? Not to mention, I have applied and been accepted to a very conservative Christian school (Covenant College). Not ONCE ANYWHERE in the application process did they ask or even hint at asking about my sexual orientation. So to say that Christian colleges do not accept gay people is completely false, therefore your whole argument is false. </p>
<p>The ironic thing about you people who shove this “tolerance” down our throats is that we must accept everyone’s lifstyles as being ok, unless it happens to not agree with your liberal ideology. So in essence, your argument about tolerance undermines itself in that it is intolerant of almost everyone you disagree with. NONE of your money is going to these “intolerant” Christian colleges, so why complain? I try not to be rude on internet forums, but it’s people like you who disgust me. Go rethink your so-called “logic” and come back later.</p>
<p>“Sure, a white person can attend, but the social stigma of being white would clearly be damaging to the student’s efforts, thus making it a waste of their time and money.”</p>
<p>off topic and complicated I know, but apparently not a waste to the many asian/hispanic/white students (including my boyfriend!) that attended medical and dental school with me at Howard! ( I believe “only” 3/4 of HBCU med student graduates are black…must also be a “fit” for the other 1/4).</p>
<p><quote>Christian colleges don’t allow students who are gay and lesbian. This subforum is the equivalent of having a subforum for “whites only” colleges.</quote></p>
<p>I studied in the Philippines where probably all colleges are Catholic or protestant, and plenty of the students are openly gay. Some professors are openly Gay as well.</p>