This Thread will have #1000 by 05/07/07

<p>gosh that sucks! I missed it again!</p>

<p>They lost, but lost in a 'respectable fashion'! I expected nothing like BD is actually improving quite a lot!</p>

<p>well yeah... didn't they defeat some really good teams...</p>

<p>Naidu, u r then the pinkcrayon of this thread! (or was it Venkat?)</p>

<p>So, it seems like u r not following WC real well? (well, there's no 'atmosphere' out here in US, so I can feel why it's kinda tough to follow WC that good!)</p>

<p>Were do you watch the matches? I know there is a place online to track the scores...</p>

<p>what do you mean by pinkcrayon :confused:</p>

<p>You can get it on satellite dish.</p>

<p>where do I watch the matches.......u r exactly right, I watch the matches live and for free....remind me tomorrow/hopefully I'll remember tomorrow to PM u w/ those website names and stuffs (I watch COMPLETELY free though! :D) </p>

<p>Go to the stuck' 500 thread, there u'll find pinkcrayon thing! That's a long story, I mean quite a long one to start writing when my eyes r scolding me to go to bed right now!</p>

<p>okay thanks....</p>

<p>Good job naidu, you killed the thread. You "save" little girls, yet kill threads. Fantastic work missy!</p>

<p>It had been like 7 minutes. "killing a thread" is for over an hour. Geez!</p>

<p>Oh, I just wanted to say it 'cause I hear other people say it all the time. Please, take a chill pill Jackson.</p>

<p>okay, Rosie.</p>

<p>I'm not a lesbian!!!!</p>

<p>Are you going to try to get the 400th post? 'Cause you better hurrey before that Khan guy senses it, and instinctly wakes up just to get that 400th post.</p>


<p>Oh what a beautiful morning...</p>

<p><em>birds happily chirp in the background</em></p>

<p>Okay, so we have to spam a little more, stay alert, don't let anyone steal your thunder this time.</p>

<p>GO GO GO, post now!!!!! Get #400</p>

<p>Okay. Yes I did it!</p>