This time, it's personal

<p>This from the “what were you thinking” department: I am taking my son and his roommate(s) to the LSU-Alabama game on November 3. I probably deserve to be shot for bringing these undesirables into Tiger Stadium, but I allowed somebody to persuade me that blood relations trump institutional allegiances. I wish I had a do-over, but it appears I am stuck. </p>

<p>I now have to deal not only with the prospect of having to avenge last year’s humiliation with a patchwork offensive line and the equivalent of a ■■■■■■■■ baby giraffe at quarterback, but I now must endure the company of a collection of obnoxious 18-year-old football “experts” wearing crimson and yelling all sorts of Alabama nonsense. The folks who have been my neighboring season ticket holders for the last 12 years will surely hate me for this. I told my son that once he enters the stadium, he is on his own. If he and his friends choose to make rear-ends of themselves (easy for Bama fans), then he will have to accept whatever consequences he invites, be it thrown beverages, vegetables, batteries, etc. </p>

<p>In any event, I will do my best to show my son’s friends what REAL tailgating looks like, and what REAL food tastes like (the boy has reluctantly admitted that LSU wins on both counts), and hopefully their hardened and delusional Bama hearts will be softened to the fact that there is actually a real world outside Tuscaloosa. But unlike some of you Benedict Arnolds who will switch your colors at the drop of a hat (and you know who you are), you will never see this guy wearing anything crimson. Never. And for the sake of peace in my home and keeping my contemptuous offspring in his place, I hope LSU kicks the ever-loving snot out of the Tide.</p>

<p>Y’all have a nice day.</p>

<p>Good luck with that, Slippy. Roll Tide!!!</p>

<p>Ooooooh - them’s fightin’ words!</p>

<p>■■■■■■■■ baby giraffe of a quarterback…lol.</p>

<p>at least you guys are used to crap quarterbacks by now.</p>

<p>Well, my son will be one of those roommates you so aptly described. Yes, he will probably wear his crimson jersey with the aptly named number 1 across front and back. I am not sure if he realizes yet the danger that awaits him in the Tiger Den of Death Valley, but I entrust him and his life in your hands. I can mend whatever physical pain may await him but I am not sure I can deal with the emotional scars. Just don’t let him out of your site and feel free to feed him once in a while while he is there. Unfortunately for you, I doubt they will crawl back to Tuscaloosa in shame!</p>

<p>Best post in a long time! Thank you, slippy :slight_smile: I have to say, I do like you, even though you’re an LSU fan and a lawyer to boot :wink: Love the “18-year-old football expert” comment, as we have one here in our family as well. However, since we’re a house united, we love it. Plus, we’re no mere bandwagon fans. Over here in the middle of the Pacific we sport our Bama gear in good times as well as bad.</p>

<p>Hope your son has a blast at the game!</p>

<p>Aloha and Roll Tide Roll!!!</p>

<p>And if I recall, your son’s roommate is a New Yorker. We’re not typically known for sitting quietly at the game. Beverages, vegetables, and batteries? Fuhgettaboutit. Bring it on.</p>

<p>He’s also probably a fan of that other national football champion, the one that plays for pay (legally) up here. We NY-Bama folks are lovin the football world these days.</p>

<p>I’m sure y’all have great food and a fun little team, bless your hearts. (see, I threw that in) But now you’re playing the varsity, son.</p>

<p>Love it…and Slippy just so you know it I am not one of those jersey changing folks you were talking about…my school’s color is Crimson as well but they are looking forward to basketball season up there :)</p>

<p>Yup, LSU’s chances begin and end at the tailgate. Stew in that, my Jambalaya-lovin’ friend. </p>

<p>Alas, Tigers are an endangered species and by the end of the game their jerseys will be be as crimson as the Tide’s. One can only hope they’re not rendered extinct. </p>

<p>Roll Tide! (nothing personal, just business as usual) :)</p>

<p>^^ That must be why there are so many different Tigers in the SEC. Fortunately one Crimson Tide is all we need!.</p>



<p>Perfect example of fibbing for self preservation.</p>

<p>vlines… Junior has grown up going to LSU games. His mama’s family is from down the bayou, and knows how to cook. He loves to eat. No fibbing involved here. Simply adapting to cafeteria food at UA has been a challenge for him. </p>

<p>Tailgating at LSU is special. Unique both as to food and atmosphere. I’ve been to many stadiums (stadia?)… many with great tailgating… but nothing really compares. Especially that overrated garden party that Ole Miss fans seem to think is so awesome. </p>

<p>terryTw, I will make no promises as to the the safety of your kid’s tender sensibilities. He has already shown himself to love gumbo and beignets. We may make a Louisianian out of him yet.</p>

<p>Slippy, I will happily concede the tailgating title to LSU while the Tide retains the football title.</p>

<p>WOOHOOO!! At least we can win at something…</p>

<p>Slippy, your post made me smile. Especially since you said your son would be wearing crimson and not purple. You see… at BB when someone said to your son that he had made the right decision to attend UA over LSU, your son almost started a riot with his response of “Ehhhh…?” and the shrugging of his shoulders. Looks like he came to his senses. :-)ROLL TIDE!</p>

<p>Hope you all have a great time and enjoy some of the best food in the country. Have fun!</p>

<p>Reaull Tide!</p>

<p>You all made me smile! Thank you for making me once again happy to be a part of this wonderful group.</p>

<p>Last night (Halloween), Nick Saban was watching that scary movie “The Ring” with his kids. His phone rang. He and Terry stared at it… afraid to answer. Finally Nick picked it up. There was a creepy voice on the other end that sounded vaguely like Les Miles. The voice said, “3 days.”</p>