@ Those waitlisted - How many of you are staying on the waitlist?

<p>etondad, Fitzsimons said that he expected EA yield 92-97%, that’s 61-23 students. I think it will be closer to 61 students and the RD will drop slightly to~74%.
Also, do not forget that you are near Cambridge, right? As you move further from NE/midatlantic states, the H prestige has a stronger pull. I remind you what the admissions consultant had said in another thread, that among students with parents working in H/MIT and those who are more knowledgeable about academics there is a preference towards other schools than H. From the 3 that you know, is there a parent legacy, strength of dept for the other schools, FA (I know they match the other ivies, but some people are content and do not bother to ask), or all things equal, they chose the other school?</p>

<p>Ana1, you could be right. However, in the end it is merely speculation and the answer will soon be known. </p>

<p>The kids to whom I am referring are not all from the Boston area-- indeed, two are from Texas and one is from Virginia-- 3 are at a New England boarding school. Again I don’t claim that they are representative but I don’t know them to be outliers either.</p>

<p>No student should leave the List merely because he or she doesn’t believe that he or she has a shot – but no student shouldn’t accept (BEFORE May 1-- with despot money ) and plan and excited about those colleges which have accepted her or him because even in the best of cases, the odds do not favor admission regardless if that number is 20 or 200.</p>

<p>No reason to hang crepe just yet, however…</p>

5- Nyboy22</li>
<li>HSMCCP </li>

<p>Good luck, everyone! I’m hoping that the larger waitlist acceptee pool that Fitzsimmons hinted at will be true, but who knows. May the odds be ever in your favor. :)</p>

<p>@Ana1: </p>



<p>I actually recently heard Bill Kirby state something to that effect. Of course, he said this to an audience of mostly Harvard alum/affiliates and certainly with a wink and in a highly self-deprecating way. </p>

<p>etondad: I’m really curious as to where those SCEA admits are planning to go instead? (if you can share, as long as it doesn’t reveal too much about the students). Are they a) I actually prefer the Yale/Princeton/Stanford/MIT/Williams type culture types or b) I have a full ride/scholarship to a very, very good state flagships types? or c) both?</p>

5- Nyboy22</li>

<p>One is going to Yale, One to CalTech and One to Amherst.</p>

<p>I was waitlisted as well, I’m actually quite surprised. I have been waitlisted at

<p>Any advice as to which one I should pursue purely based on chances? At this point I just don’t want to go to Michigan so any of those 6 is good with me. </p>

<p>Has anyone seen someone waitlisted at 6 schools? This blows my mind.</p>

<p>As to your argument, after doing some substantial reading, I believe their yield rate to be around 96% for Early but much lower than you guys think for Regular. Remember that people applying early to Princeton, Yale, Columbia etc. apply regular to Harvard, so anyone accepted to more than one could quite possibly choose their Early school over Harvard. Also, I have seen Financial Aid become a big issue because more schools are adopting better financial aid services, so Harvard’s isn’t so great anymore.</p>

<p>Harvard matches all financial aid awards from the ivies. It is an issue only if the other school offers a lot of merit aid. H also has high crossadmits. That’s why some years Harvard has not admitted anybody from the waitlist. The yield is not what we think but what Harvard has announced that it expects, and based on what it has been the previous years. Do you honestly anticipate the RD yield to fall below 70%? Wishfull thinking. Check your school’s naviance data since 2008 and track how many students from your school got accepted/enrolled in these schools to determine your chances.</p>

<p>[The</a> New York Times > Week in Review > Image > Collegiate Matchups: Predicting Student Choices](<a href=“http://www.nytimes.com/imagepages/2006/09/17/weekinreview/20060917_LEONHARDT_CHART.html]The”>The New York Times > Week in Review > Image > Collegiate Matchups: Predicting Student Choices)</p>

<p>And that’s Yale’s crossadmits to see the difference among schools-65% for H, 41% for the second next.
<a href=“http://www.yaledailynews.com/photos/2010/sep/21/22250/[/url]”>http://www.yaledailynews.com/photos/2010/sep/21/22250/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>etondad - does the caltech person have a combined admission?</p>

<p>I’m not sure what you mean, she is a pro to-physics person–not pre med --so no pre-admit to medical school, of which I am aware-- she visited and just liked the smaller school (the girl/boy ratio didn’t hurt either…I don’t think :slight_smile: ).</p>

<p>Ana1 (or anyone else with knowledge about the topic),</p>

<p>“Harvard matches all financial aid awards from the ivies.”</p>

<p>Will Harvard take into consideration (not necessarily match) scholarship offers from schools that are not in the very most top tier of institutions?</p>


<p>^Not likely. The reason a school that is not at the same tier that will give aid is to attract that student. That’s why schools always state they will match offers from equivalent schools. Note how many students who have been admitted at ivies got the AB Duke scholarship from Duke. While it never hurts to ask, unless you have an exceptional hook, it is unlikely. They also do not match merit aid.</p>


<p>“They also do not match merit aid.”</p>

<p>In that the other school (flagship public university) has offered full tuition, room, board, books, and a stipend, I wouldn’t have the temerity to ask Harvard to match it, LOL. I imagine some significant percentage of students admitted to Ivies have similar offers on the table from their own state flagship schools.</p>

<p>But my understanding is that Harvard commits to keep EFC to about 10% of income for folks within the household income of $120K - $180K, and unless I’ve misunderstood something there, I think that Harvard’s offer came in a few percent high. I’m only looking to ask to come down to the 10% number, which would only make a modest difference in my son’s financial aid package, but takes it from just outside my budget to just about at the top of my budget.</p>

<p>etondad - yes, med school. got your answer.</p>

<p>@notjoe: Read from H’s website, $65-150=10%, but not if they have significant assets</p>

<p>"parents with annual incomes between $65,000 and $150,000 are asked to contribute from zero to ten percent of their income. Some families with incomes above $150,000 still qualify for aid. Families at all incomes who have significant assets will continue to pay more than those in less fortunate circumstances. Students are also asked to contribute to the cost of their education through term-time and summer work.”</p>


<p>Well, I guess we’ll have to have a chat about what constitutes “significant assets.” Thanks.</p>

<p>Does anyone know when Harvard will release yield statistics?</p>

<p>“Harvard matches all financial aid awards from the ivies.”</p>

<p>Maybe for the first year, but not in subsequent years. Even though Harvard’s FA is supposed to be “the best”, my son’s FA at Yale is better than my daughter’s FA at Harvard. When I tried to get Harvard to match Yale’s aid, they increased it some, but declined to match it.</p>

<p>gibby, you mean you asked them to match your daughter’s H package with your son’s Y package, or a Y package for your daughter with the H package for your daughter? That’s two different circumstances. Everything that I’ve seen here, they appear to match the package offered for the same student.</p>

5- Nyboy22</li>