<p>How could I best demonstrate my love for the city and the school? </p>
<p>I am crazy for New York... I love everything about it. And the school is amazing! But I just don't know how to show my love in 500 characters or less :( I'm so sad I got waitlisted, but I feel like I'll have a chance, as the economy is kinda of bad right now. I feel like many accepted students will give up their spot.</p>
<p>Yes, the number of people waitlisted and accepted subsequently into NYU was rather high for 2008. Something like 500+ accepted out of 1800+ waitlisted people in 2008. That is a good probability of being accepted from the waitlist. It jumped up from previous years and cost is definitely a major concern for some accepted students who may have to walk away from NYU’s offer of acceptance, plus they may receive acceptances from the IVYs or other Tier I schools they prefer.</p>
<p>The other unknown is how the numbers break down by schools. I think Stern and Tisch will have fewer people coming off the waitlist.</p>
<p>So, if you are not looking at one of the two toughest NYU schools to get into, you may very well have a good chance of getting off the waitlist. So those 500 characters and what they express can be pivotal. GL. Sorry I do not have personal experience getting off the waitlist. I will defer to a student here who has the experience. :)</p>
<p>I’m actually looking at CAS
That gives me a little bit of hope. Thank you.</p>
<p>Bump… </p>
<p>Anybody have any tips? I already RSVP’d but I really, really want to attend NYU and would love more insight on their waitlisting process. I already read their FAQs and some old CC threads, but some more advice would be greatly appreciated :)</p>
<p>Is anyone who’s waiting still checking cc for updates?
Anybody know the updated WL stats for last year?
Anybody turning down their acceptance to CAS?</p>
<p>I just want to know that spots are being made!
The wait is killing me…</p>
<p>You may have a long wait ahead of you.</p>
<p>1) NYU will not know until students intent on enrolling there return their enrollment deposit May 1, 2011.</p>
<p>2) As I recall, in the waitlist thread dug up from last year, most students started hearing end of May (not sure why there was such a long time gap between May 1 and notification of waitlisted people las year at NYU).</p>
<p>3) There was a second extended waitlist into June for those who were asked and then wanted to stay on the waitlist til June.</p>
<p>In case the same thing happens this year, I recommend you distract yourself and move on to other things. So, if they happen to be early this year, that is, start notifying in early to mid May, you will then be pleasantly surprised (and hopefully celebrating with a positive outcome).</p>