Thoughts? Honors College?

I’m considering Catholic University and I’m just wondering what the school is like before I eventually visit. I’ll most likely be a Biology major on a Pre-Med track. Please feel free to tell me your thoughts on the school or any experiences you might have.

Also, would recommend applying to the Honors College?


It’s a decent school. You will get a good education. Be aware that it’s not just A Catholic University of America, it’s The Catholic U of America. If you’re quite Catholic, you will feel at home there. It’s a pretty campus, fairly conservative admin but more liberal professors. There are some issues with how welcome gay people and gay issues are on campus. In the past, the play Angels in America was forced to perform off campus. More recently I heard that the LGBT+ group was not funded by the admin while others were. The campus is set in a quieter section of DC. The campus is pleasant but there aren’t that many fun campus services nearby, like coffee shops and little hang-outs. It’s a solid school and the right school for the right person.

Our son is also strongly considering Catholic U. We have visited the school twice, most recently last month for Cardinal Preview Day. I can give you the parent perspective. I like the Catholic identity of the school. That is essentially what has drawn our son to consider it. He’s very involved in campus ministry at his Catholic high school and in the youth and retreat ministries in our parish. He has felt very comfortable when visiting the campus. He intends to be a biology or science major in the pre-med program and we attended those sessions at Cardinal Preview Day. I was very impressed with the science program as well as the one on one counseling/advising available to students in the pre-med program. For a small university, they have a wealth of healthcare resources available in DC where they place students in internships. As for the honors program, our son was offered an honors scholarship that is dependent on his participation in the honors program so we have been looking into that as well. It’s focus isn’t just challenging students in their academic major, but offers several tracks that an honors student can choose, regardless of major. It is rigorous, but I think my son likes the options. As the post above mine states, it is “THE” Catholic University of America, so it’s principle and foundation is solidly Catholic. It’s open to all faiths, but is unapologetic in it’s adherence to Catholic thought. That doesn’t appeal to everyone. But it’s a good fit for our son. If the finances work out, that is where he will be next year.

@jtonglet How did things work out? Did your son end up at Catholic? How about the Honors Program? Any insights to offer? Thanks :slight_smile:

I have a sophomore daughter in the Honors Program (English major) and a son who applied EA in the fall and was admitted to Honors (Politics major). My daughter has been extremely happy at CUA. She definitely feels challenged in their Honors Program, but finds it to be manageable and very intellectually rewarding. She appreciates the Catholic culture on campus and CUA’s active campus ministry. The school hits the sweet spot on size - large enough to provide many opportunities, but small enough that it feels intimate and connected. Really a great school. It has been the perfect fit for her!