Thoughts on deadline extension?

<p>Why do you guy's think Virginia Tech extended the transfer application deadline?</p>

<p>I just saw this! I had no idea this happened…
I think…this happened last year also, because in past forums, people talked about “first deadline” etc…
Do you think they simply wanted more applicants to choose from (?) or they were just being generous ?</p>

<p>Honestly, I am hoping that they didn’t have enough so they accepted majority of us transfers but I don’t really know the whole method behind it.</p>

<p>I really hope that’s it because that means more of an advantage for us who applied before the first deadline! … but honestly, who knows, admissions are so tricky these days haha</p>

<p>on the actual transfer thread, i’ve been seeing all the CC people get their hokie bird/acceptances and i have NOTHING! maybe because i’m from a 4-year univ? but this deadline change makes me even more nervous!</p>