Thoughts on Elon Musk buying a stake in Twitter?

Has anyone calculated how much
money Elon has made on his Twitter stock? Someone has its approaching $1B. He’s laughing all the way to the bank :joy:

I think it’ll be enough to cover the $100,000 SEC fine for late paperwork.

I think they are a bit intimidated by him! :rofl:

The funny thing about his initial fine for lying about the Saudis buying him for $420 pre-split several years ago is that - the stock trounced that possible price.

If you have money, you can buy what you want.

Good for him.

I really think some people need to go back to Civics class to understand what Free Speech means in this country.


Selling off Blue Checks. Brilliant idea. Why authenticate who people are when you can just make money letting people lie for three bucks a month?

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Or maybe not :thinking:

Guessing this was another market manipulation tactic or else he’s going to start pushing to become a majority shareholder.

Definitely not white-knighting for free speech.


Anyone see the news this morning? Apparently Elon Musk has decided not to join the board. Bet he plans something bigger re: takeover or changes. Will be an interesting few weeks.


Yup. Saw it. Not totally surprised. Didn’t think Musk would like being told he’s limited to a 14.9% stake.

The company could have some ‘restrictions’ on what Board members can speak/tweet about without running it thru PR, and Elon wasn’t ready to agree to those restrictions.

Board members also have some personal liability wrt the Company. If Elon tweets something that causes the stock to tank, he could be held personally liable as a Board member. If he is just a stockholder, he can publicly complain about management/policy all he wants.

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Yep, I think he’s in for a short term gain and to change the company longer term. I put in a buy order this morning.

Elon and I agree that it’s probably best if he just buys the whole thing. LOL


The funny thing is that it might actually work. If Elon decides to dump his shares and put that money in another platform, Twitter will be on life support in two years begging to be bought-out.

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But the market isn’t taking it seriously. If you believe it, u should load up. An easy 20% gain. But the stick is down which shows no one is taking this seriously.

He is serious about press though. Like many of our politicians, he has a need to be in the public eye.


Or any short term effect is already priced in, but the market is ambivalent about whether the longer term effects are positive, neutral, or negative for the stock price.

Doesn’t anyone else find it troubling and dangerous for billionaires like Musk (who is extra toxic) can wield so much power in this country?

I really hope Twitter finds some way to block this latest stunt.


I think people might be worried about the massive amount of people who don’t want to share the worlds biggest town square. They know that it’s a risky buy. Will it fly? Hard to say. There was talk today of $100 a share. Give it a few days. We’ll see what shakes out.

And I am dying to hear what Plan B is. Elon Musk announced if the buy fails he has a plan B. Any thoughts on what it might be?

Probably Facebook

One persons toxin is another persons antitoxin.

In any case, Musk is arguably of the greatest innovators of all time. He marches to the tune of his own drummer - I admire that.