Thoughts on Elon Musk buying a stake in Twitter?

Amazon has one of the largest and most sophisticated databases in the world, and they hire data analysts/developers by the hundreds. I somehow doubt that’s to give reports on sales figures. I’m willing to bet personal conversations being heard by an unmentionable AI has something to do with it.

Will the last one to leave, turn out the lights?

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So she’s tweeting about leaving, then waiting for responses, then checking her responses and likes…then she’ll leave.


I will never watch The View again. :rofl:

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Fact check


Wow…she’ll be greatly missed at Twitter, I’m SURE.


Perhaps musk’s evil plan is working :rofl:

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Is she FINALLY moving to Canada…and taking Cher with her???


Easiest way to leave Twitter permanently is to change your display name (not your account name) to “Elon Musk” and post something funny. Instant permanent ban from the guy who doesn’t believe in permanent bans.

Looks like the content moderation team is intact after all!


Per Bloomberg report cited in the link, the company will be in a dumpsterfire mode for a while.


Because parody is so much funnier when labeled as such. What a moron.


The PR team is intact, but the moderation team has to find these accounts and then shut them down. I expect the dance around self-identification is going to be awesome, but in the end Elon is still going to be cranky when @MElonHuskIsNotElon mocks him while entertaining 100K followers.

I’m just enjoying kathy Griffin’s superb mocking of Musk. After he banned her, she continued to post via her late mother’s account. From what I’ve read about her mom, she’s likely ROFL in heaven :rofl:.


In my head I picture Musk on an internal slack channel like moderators-admin saying stuff like:
“Ban Kathy Griffin”
“Now she’s on her mom’s account! Ban her again!”
“This other guy made fun of me, ban him too!”
“Ok too many people are mocking me, just ban everybody that does parody and somebody give me a reasonable-sounding excuse to tweet out.”


Elon needs to be careful, or he’ll end up like Trump and unable to hire top legal counsel.


It’s an interesting story how he got to this point. First he fired Twitter’s head of trust on his first day, making advertisers nervous about changes in moderation policies. Then his head of sales quit, who was trusted by those advertisers.

So the Twitter exec in charge of US sales takes Musk to meet some advertisers in person, and Musk fires him that same day after the meeting. Then a marketing exec (i.e. a guy who actually buys ads on Twitter) who was in that meeting tweets a question at Musk the next day, and Musk blocks him.

Oh and somewhere in there Musk threatens to go thermonuclear on his advertisers.

It’s an interesting school of sales that Musk follows for sure. Now he’s talking about suing…. somebody. Either the advertisers or activists, I’m not sure which; maybe all of them.


Mr. Musk needs to lay off the weed.

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Elon needs to wake up and recognize that his real customers are the advertisers, not people like Kathy Griffin.

I thought weed mellows you out?

If so, then I think he needs to smoke (or eat) it more often. :grinning: