Thoughts on Elon Musk buying a stake in Twitter?

Yes, it’s going so well, it seems Yaccarino has learned to dissemble almost as successfully as her boss:

CEO Linda Yaccarino and others at X (formerly Twitter) have repeatedly tried to boast that advertisers are returning to the platform, but a new Media Matters analysis tells a different story: Since Elon Musk took over the company, it has earned 42% less ad revenue and had 28% fewer individual monthly advertisers than before his leadership began. Additionally, in the 12 weeks of Yaccarino’s tenure as CEO, the majority of the company’s top 100 advertisers pre-Musk spent a fraction of what they did in the 12 weeks prior to Musk’s acquisition.

For example, Visa — which Yaccarino cited as an example of a “returning” advertiser — has spent just $10 in the past 12 weeks, compared to roughly $77,500 in the 12 weeks before Musk bought Twitter.

And for “balance” Musk’s advice with respect to the Hamas terrorist attacks is to follow an account (WarMonitors) that refers to Israel as “the Zionist regime” or “the Jewish terror state”


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All I can say is that Tesla Cybertruck is SO friggin’ ugly. Oofa.

Saw one on the road the other day and whoever he’s hired as a design team should have been canned a long time ago.

I don’t like it, either, and the Tesla engineers agree. The book has a chapter on the Cybertruck design process, describing Musk’s common, bold problem-solving approach:

“There were a few dissenting voices suggesting that something too futuristic would not sell. After all, this was a pickup truck. “I don’t care if no one buys it,” he said at the end of the session. "We’re not doing a traditional boring truck. We can always do that later. I want to build something that’s cool.

Like, don’t resist me."”

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Well the book could be right or the Tesla engineer that lives down the street said the truck can be made cheaply because of the flat panels and the steel can be laser cut, so need for stamping dies to shape the metal.

I’d get ready to make that next boring truck, if I were them.

It can only be made “cheaply” with poor build quality. The angled panels make mismatches/panel gaps very obvious.

And on top of that, the steel is going to be impossible to fix after an accident so these trucks will end up being written off. That will make them hugely expensive to insure, even potentially uninsurable in some cases.

This is a “genius”?


Sounds like a toddler’s tantrum to me. :laughing:

I think Tesla’s Cyber truck looks like Mad Max’s truck and the police car from Blade runner had a baby.

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If your idea of “real time straight info” is this sort of propaganda and posturing, it is no wonder you worship Musk.

All Musk is trying to do is stir up outrage and draw attention to himself by boosting the most controversial points of view, including from posts that contain misinformation. Sadly that means Twitter is no longer the essential source of real-time information that it was in the past.

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Reminder that this thread is not in the political forum and using examples related to the current war are just going to cause this thread to spiral. Thank you for understanding.

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X is not Musk, and Musk is not X. There are hundreds of millions on X for their own personal reasons. Musk just happens to be the most popular because he has the most insightful things to say.

Regarding the EU DSA enforcer, that guy is a real treat. lol. The obvious question for me is why he addressed the letter to Musk and not CEO Yaccarino? Yaccacrino has worked extensively and posted about their safety measures, but the EU dude doesn’t even acknowledge that. In fact, he gives no details whatsoever of what he is talking about.

And why is the letter even public? Wouldn’t this communication normally go directly to the recipient in a private message? It’s blatant sexism, a pathetic personal vendetta, and crybaby censorship rolled into one.

Whatever happened to that cage match at the Colosseum with Zuckerberg?

Mr. Insightful demurred because he felt a twinge in his pinky finger? I would have paid $100 to see that fight on PPV.


Yaccarino just responded to the EU enforcer, signing off “Linda Yaccarino, CEO, X” :fire: Let the mansplaining begin.

Frat boy nonsense, which is far from my realm, but have certainly been around it many times. It succeeded to humanize both of them. Isn’t it better when any public figure is relatable?

Zuckerberg, sure. Musk looks like an idiot and dork. Also, Musk could have donated millions to charity with an event like this, but he didn’t follow through with his boast. smh

Musk should just keep his mouth shut. Dumb!

Many citations in Isaacson’s book supporting this, including statements from those closest to him, and acknowledgements from Musk himself. Flawed in many ways, just like all of us.

Impulsivity is a common theme for his thought processes. He has no personal assistant to keep his calendar. He told Bill Gates that Gates’ assistant should call Musk directly to set up a meeting, which Gates was baffled about. lol

There’s an understatement if I’ve ever read one. His history isn’t full written yet. IMO, history will not look back on him kindly.


Seemingly, there is no flaw that won’t be twisted and repackaged into a positive.