Thoughts on Elon Musk buying a stake in Twitter?

Elon Musk. Censorship opportunist. Trying to shut people up by threatening bogus lawsuits.

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Yes, Media Matters is the epitome of a censorship opportunist. The CEO actually stated that the intent of his latest threat is to affect the outcome at the ballot box. Standard formula—at a time when antisemitism is a hot topic, and something Musk tweets can be twisted into meaning something antisemitic, threaten advertisers in order to take down the platform. They’re going to take their ball and go home. CCDH 2.0.

It’s always entertaining to watch censors try to bottle up thoughts to pretend they don’t exist, but often amplify the ideas they are trying to suppress.

Musk is threatening Media Matters to try to shut them up. He only cares about protecting speech which which he agrees.


Musk insisting he’s not anti-semitic, it’s just the media portraying him that way for you know, sharing his actual words.

Also Musk saying Jews hate white people. Or on second thought, maybe not all Jews but definitely the ADL, and maybe some other Jews. Or maybe most Jews. But it’s not his fault they hate white people, he just said the truth.

And although he said it, his words were in Schrödinger’s box until the media reported it and made his words real so it’s really all the media’s fault because he never actual said it until the media reported him saying it which he never actually said even though his post is right there which it isn’t.


Huh, seems like I’m not the only one thinking Yaccarino is destroying her reputation by remaining at X.

Just by being there she comes across as an ineffective figurehead. But by actively indulging in straight up gaslighting and wishful thinking she’s building a reputation of her own as being untrustworthy.

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“Media Matters is pure evil” - Elon Musk



“Don’t advertise. If someone is going to try to blackmail me with advertising, blackmail me with money, go ——yourself. Go —— yourself.

Is that clear? I hope it is." - Elon Musk


Free speech lives on.

“I don’t want to do business with you.” ← blackmail.



How dare you brake-up with me for cavorting with sleaze! If you brake up with me, well then I brake-up with you! That’ll teach you!


The advertisers are expressing themselves by staying away from the cesspool that Twitter has become. And Musk is expressing himself by throwing another pathetic tantrum.


As per usual The Hollywood Reporter has the best and snarkiest takes:

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Nice bomber jacket. Who dresses this guy? The Red Baron? :man_facepalming::rofl:

At the beginning of the interview, Musk says he only sat down with ANDREW Sorkin, because they were friends. And then the knucklehead calls him Jonathan. Doh!

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That free speech is worth what we paid for it.

Musk: “I’m a free speech absolutist”

Also Musk: “Actually I meant you absolutely must pay for my speech because you’re not entitled to free speech, only me”