I apologize if I put this post in the wrong section. I am looking for thoughts on how I have switched up my math class pathway a bit. I am at a CC right now with intent on transferring to a four year next Fall. I plan on majoring in Biology so I need to take MAC2311 (Calculus I) before I leave my CC. So last semester, I took College Alg. I passed it with an A and planned on going into Precalc Algebra (MAC1140), due to my advisor telling me I need to go from College Algebra → Precalc Alg → College Trig and then finally Calculus I. So I planned on taking Precalc Alg this semester. Well it does not work with my schedule and I did not want to take it online so I went ahead and decided to take Trig this semester instead since it worked out and then take Precalc Alg next semester. I am probably overthinking it but I am afraid this will hurt me (my grade). Is it stupid to take Trig right out of College Alg? Is my advisor even correct with the pathway she gave me? If I take College Alg + Trig do I even need the Precalc Alg after that? I called an advisor at my school and they told me it does not really matter but its recommended to take Precalc Alg after College Algebra. I have never really struggled with math but I’m still afraid. Thank you in advance for any advice!
What does the college’s course catalog say are the prerequisites for each course?
For both College Trig and Precalc Alg the prerequisites are College Algebra. But the advisor recommended that I take Precalc Algebra before Trig. I have never taken Trig so I wasn’t sure if taking right after College Algebra would hurt my grades.
Assuming that the catalog prerequisites are truthful, then you can take trigonometry. If you are still uncertain, you can ask the math department or instructor for trigonometry if there is anything in precalculus algebra that could be helpful for trigonometry.