Thoughts on possibly removing CS162 and CS170 from L&S CS requirements?

<p>College</a> of Letters and Science to implement computer science GPA requirement - The Daily Californian</p>

<p>"The Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences faculty also voted this spring to discontinue CS162 and CS170 as absolute major requirements for electrical engineering and computer sciences as well as computer science majors. The ultimate decision to remove the requirements lies with the executive committee of the College of Letters and Science, but it will not rule on the issue until the fall."</p>

<p>If CS162 and CS170 are removed from the absolute major requirements, do you guys think this would this be a good change?</p>

<p>Seems like those are two of the courses that any L&S CS major would want to take anyway. (They were not specifically required for EECS majors.)</p>

<p>Silly in my opinion. These classes are probably the most essential upper divs with 186.</p>

<p>Why would they remove the two most important CS upper-divs?</p>