I took the Oct. '16 ACT and got the following scores:
36 Reading
35 English
29 Science
17 Math
29 Composite
I decided not to take it again, but the math score is irritating me - I had a tutor and was hoping for a 20. I’ve already submitted these scores to the schools I applied to, and I can’t stop thinking that my low math score might eclipse my higher scores in terms of importance. Can anyone offer some insight on this?
My HS math grades were Bs and Cs - and I don’t intend to enter a STEM field, if that makes any difference. (I think it does)
I wouldn’t worry too much about it now. The schools will primarily look at your C29, which is pretty good.
Yes, the M17 might draw attention, but it won’t take anything away from your ELA and Sci scores. Unless it’s a STEM school or program, and you meet their imaginary ACT Composite cut off, you should be fine.

Thank you!! Really needed to hear that. I’m not looking at any STEM schools, and I think the rest of my application is strong. My GPA and composite score are slightly above the mid-50% range at my top choice school - fingers crossed.
Your reading & english scores are stellar!!
How did you do so well on the reading section in particular?
any tips or strategies?
I definitely agree with @aegis400. Your english, science, reading scores are exquisite! What are your strategies?!?!? I’ve taken the ACT three times already and my last scores were 27 English, 22 Math, 26 Reading, and 25 Science. Honestly, I’m tired of taking the test, but I don’t have the composite score that I need yet. Any advice?
It all depends on the school. For the very competitive schools it will be an issue, because your math score is below the college readiness standard. But your English and Reading are fabulous, and the composite is very solid for a lot of schools. Good luck!
Thank you @wisteria100! 
I’m not applying to any Ivies or similarly competitive schools. No STEM programs either, as mentioned above. I plan to major in political science and move on to law school.
I’ve already been accepted to my safety, and I think I’m a good candidate for my first choice (they admit about 50%). Haven’t heard back yet but trying to feel optimistic!!
Despite the heavy reliance on standardized testing for such important endeavors, it’s a shame to me that as much as our society/generation has evolved into a more diverse/unique/open world, that we can’t find a more efficient way to accurately test the skills of students. Not everyone does well with written tests, so it shouldn’t define who you are as a student, a person, your intelligence level, etc. Maybe you’re a better hands on learner, or practical test taker. Just get through this rough stuff, then keep an open mind in the future about how you’re being educated.