Thoughts on transferring for "no reason" ?

Though my current school is not the best fit for me, I am content there and it works. However, I have been accepted to go abroad fall 2015 and then transfer to another school for spring 2016. Both schools are equal for my major and close enough in price. I had a solid year and built great connections, but I just really like the idea of getting to travel in the fall and start over somewhere else. Is this enough of a reason to transfer? My heart is saying transfer, but my head is saying it could be a huge mistake and that it is not worth causing commotion among friends/family. What do you all think? :confused:

Why can’t you go abroad for the fall, and come back to your current school in the spring?

If this fall abroad and spring elsewhere is a package deal, why did you apply in the first place? What did you like about that other college/university so much (compared to your current institution) that made you apply for that program? Was it just that it was fall/winter and you weren’t happy at your current college/university yet?

You need to explain what is not the fit and why you choose the current college in the first place.