Thoughts on UC Riverside, San Diego State, Cal Poly Pomona, and Chapman for Business Major

Can you provide feedback on these schools for Business major - DS got accepted to these schools and is looking at Business with an emphasis in Information Systems or Computer Info Systems - thank you!

CPP/UCR/SDSU are very similar options. I would go with fit. SDSU has a true college experience with D1 sports. CPP is strong in STEM but more commuter school. UCR is in between but perhaps has more flexibility to change if you are unsure of the major as you will be admitted to pre-business and choose your concentration after exploring core curriculum.

Not even sure if my answer was useful.


Are all 4 affordable without parental loans?
What kind of experience are you looking for - are D1 sports important, for instance? Smaller/interactive classes? Living on a residential campus or commuting?

D1 is not as important but would like some residential life to the campus. Also the ability to get paid internship and work experience is more important as well as perception of industry in hiring these graduates. Thanks!

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