
<p>Okay, so I have been accepted into several strong schools (UVA and Notre Dame) but yesterday I was waitlisted at both Georgetown and swarthmore. I got a little nervous just because their selectivity is closer to that of Penn and it's peers. I'm wondering, do the two latter decisions negatively reflect my chances at a school like Penn?</p>

<p>Exact same thing happened to me
I was accepted by Berkeley and Stern
but Rejected by Chicago and northwestern
I guess it somewhat reflects</p>

<p>Obviously you would feel better about your chances if you had gotten into those schools, but it’s not a indication that Penn will reject you. Admissions can be very random.</p>

<p>^ Seriously, even the College Board admits that “if all the cards were tossed up again, they wouldn’t land the same way twice”. Admissions is random…and we’re all sweating that fact ;)</p>

<p>Keep in mind that “class fit” may play a role into admissions at most schools.</p>

<p>Keep in mind that “class fit” is basically a BS code word for “random decision based on nonspecific reasoning”.</p>

<p>Well no, I think class fit is a real thing. Schools are trying to create a diversified class, not just “racially” but also talent wise. Penn each year probably has an idea that they want so many musicians, or writers, or something. There is a method to the madness, although I agree some of it can seem and probably is random. You have to offer something unique is my belief, and if you can do that, then the game becomes a lot easier.</p>

<p>It is a real thing. Penn specifically stated last year that many of the likely letters they sent were to people who put down chemistry and physics as majors because these are underrepresented.</p>

<p>@andrewliu93 If it makes you feel better, I got a likely letter to UPenn and other great schools, but ended up getting waitlisted at Rice and rejected at Northwestern.</p>

<p>The only thing that I have learned from college apps is what has already been said: different colleges look for and want different things.</p>

<p>My son was deferred to Wharton. He is nervously awaiting the decision. He was waitlisted to Northwestern, U of Chicago, WashU and accepted to NYU Stern. I hope these waitlists are no reflection of whether or not he will be accepted to all the top schools he applied to. We are very nervous for him. Didn’t know how horrible this waiting period would be for all involved.</p>

<p>I guess we all have or know stories like this so I don’t feel as bad now; just still nervous because it’s all out of our control now.</p>

<p>I was accepted to UCLA, USC and Berkeley so I’m trying to take this as a positive indicator of my admissions to Penn. My thing was, if I can’t get into these schools then I probably won’t get into Penn. So even though I know that admissions at Penn is different and more selective, I still have my hopes up lol</p>

<p>The decisions are so close!!! Only three more days!!! Good luck to everyone!</p>

<p>Waitlisted at Stanford…I must be a waitlist magnet or something…</p>

<p>I think admissions are pseudo-random, but there is a lot you can do to help your odds.</p>

<p>I’ve been accepted to Rice, Northwestern, and my state’s business honors program.
I was waitlisted to Carnegie Mellon, which I don’t understand.
I was rejected today from Stanford, which is totally understandable.</p>

<p>I was deferred from Penn ED so I expect to be rejected, the odds are 90%, but I really really really really really really hope I’m accepted. Something just doesn’t feel right, though.</p>

<p>But, prior decisions don’t have anything to do with each school. My roommate was rejected from Washington and Lee and was accepted today to Stanford.</p>

<p>Good luck, everyone! I hope the best for us all. :&lt;/p>

<p>For me so far…
Accepted: Carnegie Mellon, NYU, Hamilton
Waitlisted: William and Mary
Rejected: Colgate, Georgetown</p>

<p>Waiting on: Penn, Tufts, and Wesleyan</p>

<p>And I’m confused :o</p>