Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

IMO, It all depends on viewpoint and personal choice. In past application cycles, there were folks who gave up Ivy and chose BSMD and vice-versa. In addition to prestige, you need to take other factors into consideration such as location, COA, BSMD matriculation conditions, and willing to take risks in the traditional path, etc. There are thousands of premed grads from Ivys, and T20 schools, who end up getting low-ranked MD schools acceptances only, and some handful of lucky ones got into a few prestigious T20s and T5s too. Check out Linkedin for their sample profiles. Honestly, everyone has their own unique journey to MD school. What appears easy for someone (like getting in T20 or T5 MD Schools) might not be easy for others. IMO, you better evaluate whether you want to enjoy your UG and experience UG (during the BSMD path) or just work rigorous 4 years in UG while preparing for your MD school application (during the traditional path). MD school ranking doesn’t matter much as long as you plan your career in the non-acadamic medicine area (Example: Not planning teaching in Harvard medical school or T20 medical schools). IMO, you need to pick a path (BSMD vs Ivy/traditional route) that puts you in a comfort zone. On Ivy Day you can post back with choices you have, seniors in this group can chime in with their opinion. Good luck.