Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022


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You seems to be risk-averse and hence apply only to those programs which suit your risk profile. May be Temple BSMD is not suitable for you but that may not be the case for every one.

IMO, applying to 6-7 BSMDs may not be enough. Please let her apply 10-15 BSMD programs. It is very competitive for ORMS. IMO, her SAT are fine but towards lower end for ORMs. It may be difficult to get an interview with NJMS medical school, IMO. No one can really chance. Apply and hope for the best.

FAU requires re-interview. According to the below post " Everyone who has passed the 510 mcat cutoff & the 3.7 gpa has been accepted". Another fau parent @JBourne5 stated that FAU re-interview is a formality.
Not sure if you care about your C applying CNU, but this does require re-interview. They said “The CHS will hold Mock Interviews to prepare students for the COM interview process.” (COM - College of Medicine).
There are CC users who have applied to more than a dozen and some even applied to 20+ BSMDs programs for Fall 2021 or previous admission cycles. Results thread is the best place, to find them and ask them directly if they have input on BSMD programs that require re-interview (and high GPA/MCAT requirement too). Please post your findings back in this thread to benefit others. Good luck.

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Thank for your reply. After your advise, we certainly will apply to more schools. I am just a little worried about her SAT being 1530; most of the posts I read indicate a minimum 1550 on SAT.

@pakoo Yes, your concern may be legitimate. Apply broadly and regionally (NE).
First apply to Temple University as EA and then apply to BSMD. They may give full tuition scholarship for UG.

For LECOM EAP are we allowed to send in the EAP application before undergraduate applications? For the schools I’m applying through I need my letters/transcripts to come in but my LECOM application is done.

My son is looking into BSMD programs. May I speak to you ?
Thank you !!

Thanks. Any other BSMD programs that you recommend that might work for her credentials. She is also planning to apply to 2 BSDO programs.

I stopped reading these forums in a while and was surprised to see someone tag me here and so logged in out of curiosity.

Yes, Temple program doesn’t attract too much interest going by the number of applications to that program (which they have stopped disclosing since few years). Despite the seemingly luring factors. Haven’t bothered probing the reason(s) further.

As I noticed and had mentioned in the past, even among those selected to the program, there is a tendency to go elsewhere. Of the 4 acquaintances I happened to know who got in there, 3 chose to go to other programs foregoing the free rides given by Temple. Can’t say if the 4th one chose to enroll bcoz that was the only option s/he had at hand or not so. Have been out of touch with them for a while.

Of course some are bound to come back with beaten down to death cliches of too small of sample size etc, etc, but again one need not check every grain to ascertain if rice in the pot is cooked or not. So draw your own conclusions after due diligence.

Good luck to you and your child(ren) in their endeavors and pursuits

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My views on the three programs you mentioned:

WashU - Its requirements were draconian and I discouraged my students from applying there. When they discontinued their program, it felt they had done a service to all parents.

Seton Hall - it is an in-state program and I do not have much experience with it. My NJ students have been wary of it.

Temple - it has characteristics of both BS/MD and EAP programs. You interview with the medical school now- a key characteristic of a BS/MD program. In addition, there is the requirement of a medical school interview during your undergrad years when you apply to medical school – a key characteristic of EAP programs.

Accordingly, I would focus less on the semantics of what to call the program and more on the substance of their requirements to maintain your conditionally guaranteed seat. For Temple, one key requirement is the medical school interview during the undergrad years. This interview is NOT a formality (unlike FAU). We have heard of BS/MD students being rejected during the interview even though they have met other undergrad requirements.

All BS/MD programs are conditional.

However, the requirements for most programs are under your control - whether it is a GPA requirement or MCAT or volunteer hours, or coop. if you do not meet them, it is usually due to your efforts (or lack thereof). The outcome of an interview during your undergrad years is not in your hands and increases the risk factor. If you can get rejected in the medical school interview, it hardly feels like your seat was (conditionally) guaranteed.

Whether you want to call a program “unsafe” or not, I will leave it to each individual.

Make sure you understand the requirements of each program and your own personal level of tolerance to the risks as you see them.

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Your daughter has a competitive profile.
As you may already know, BS/MD programs are hyper competitive with acceptance rates of 0.5% to 3%

So, apply broadly. 6-7 programs is too less.

With her profile, I would not recommend apply to BS/DO programs at this stage.

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I think you need to mention the undergrad college through which you are applying to LECOM.
Confirm that part. It is usually best to apply after receiving the undergrad admission.

I would suggest to exercise caution w.r.t. CNU.
Please do a thorough due-diligence.
In the past, we have heard they have NOT offered admissions to medical school to BS/MD students who have met all undergrad requirements. Do not know details of individual cases but such behavior raises red flags.


@NoviceDad Temple/Temple BSMD program is NOT an EAP by definition. As you agree all program are conditional, how does it matter if medical school interview happens during UG years or during HS. Yes, it is an actual medical school interview of those in Temple/Temple BSMD. It is one’s risk tolerance level which will decide the comfort level with the interview requirement during UG. If you can not pass an interview, how are you going to communicate with your patients. IMO, blaming one’s failure on others for one’s weakness is not a solution. One should prepare for an interview with medical school (actually with two MDs or a combination of a PhD/MD).
Every year thousands apply via regular MD route, up to 25 medical schools.
They do interview with many of those schools. They get into some or rejected by some. It is the medical admission process of selection. Some reapply again.
Temple/Temple BSMD requires one to maintain 3.6 UG GPA(both sGPA and cGPA), no UG grade less than B-. One has to take MCAT before interview with medical school in junior year. It requires a minimum MCAT score 509 ( each section min 126). If you think, it is not doable and worth the risk, stay away from Temple/Temple BSMD. It is not for faint of hearts or weak souls. One “C” grade in organic chemistry could throw one out of the program even before interview stage. Temple/Temple BSMD may not be for every one who is looking for a BSMD seat. They may give full tuition scholarship for UG to most in Temple/Temple BSMD because of their superior stats.

Thanks a bunch for your advise. We will change our strategy and apply to more BS/MD program. Are there any specific programs you recommend based on her profile. Also what is the reason for not applying to BS/DO? Any insights / advise will certainly help us.

One can always apply to DO along with MD programs during regular MD during UG or later. Your D should wait until UG years. Her UG GPA with MCAT score can decide where to apply. Most DO programs may admit students with 3.5 UG GPA and 505 MCAT score.

Thanks again. What we are struggling with currently is along with integrated BS/MD should we also apply to integrated BS/DO programs, rather than taking regular pre-med route if she does not get into any BS/MD program.

Thanks again. What we are struggling with currently is along with integrated BS/MD should we also apply to integrated BS/DO programs, rather than taking regular pre-med route if she does not get into any BS/MD program.