Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

Accepted into UMKC 6-Year program. I’m OOS.



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Congratulations. You will love the school. I visited with by older daughter in 2019 for the BSMD open house

@livlovelaugh1 @liveyourlife78 @AvidEnthusiast

Congratulations !!!

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Not knowing any other background, if your child is sure about doing medicine:

Pitt GAP > Case PPSP/Brown PLME > state school undergrad


If I may ask you, where did she choose to attend?


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So in your opinion case/brown are equal? Or can you explain why did you pick Pitt>case/PLME?
While we are at it, in what order what you put if you were to add in PMM, BU, Union, TCNJ and RPI. (If possible).

Thank you so much!

In general No contest PPSP over PMM. The contest is always between PPSP and PLME, after watching the results threads. @Threebrook did a nice comparison on the categories/weightage scores etc.
What qualifies PMM GAP >Case PPSP/Brown PLME ?

Yes, Case/ Brown are comparable.

Pitt undergrad, to me, has a good honors program and pre-med track. UPMC is next door, walking distance from Pitt undergrad. There are lots of healthcare EC opportunities. Plus, it is NOT grade deflated.
From peer students, faculty, research facilities/ opportunities, network, and how program directors view it, Pitt medical is way above Case/Brown.

SKMC, AMC, NJMS, and BU medical schools are more or less comparable.
Subjective factors like student happiness, location, weather, etc., and objective factors like cost may help you choose.

Undergrad experience at the feeder schools will be highly dependent on the student.


It is Pitt GAP (not PMM) > Case PPSP/Brown PLME.
Shared my reasoning in the above post.

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Can you please mention your state.

Can you please add VCU, RPI and Rochester to comparisons.

I think VCU gives great scholarship and the other 2 will be expensive. RPI is a great Engineering college and I heard there is a slight grade deflation because of core engineering courses. I think senior members can better suggest you.

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@livlovelaugh1 @liveyourlife78 @AvidEnthusiast -

Congratulations and best wishes for your future :raised_hands:

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Thank you!

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@Nav123 - I agree with @NoviceDad on the bsmd programs with a caveat

Costs for Pitt GAP, Case PPSP/Brown PLME, state school undergrads are not the same. Cost can be an important factor over a 7-8 years period. Pitt GAP, Case, and State schools (oos) are likely to give merit scholarships (from the past) but Brown won’t. Instate BSMD (if available) most probably would be the cheapest. Each family needs to decide for themselves if paying 350-450K vs. 750K total BS+MD cost of attendance makes sense for them.

Other factors on top of the cost that students could consider based on their individual preference - location of the program, graduating requirement for MD, support from BSMD cohort, ECs (medical experience including research, volunteering) available, etc.

The fit of the BSMD program doesn’t depend on the name brand. It depends on what is the best fit UG for each student since this UG college is where they will spend earlier 3-4 years. So, choose where you are most likely to thrive!


@highschoolermed - In addition to what @mygrad2021 mentioned, I also heard that VCU allows students to opt-out of medical school and allows them to apply out. Students are able to apply out in most 8 years programs with a penalty that they would lose their guarantee if they apply out (example: Pitt gap, brown PLME) but I heard that VCU doesn’t penalize students (students to confirm this by verifying if this applies for current students as well)

RPI is a great engineering school and has mandatory research requirements. RPI also gives great scholarships. However, AMC is not a ranked MD school. this has acted as a deterrent for some students in the past. I personally think all the BSMD programs with AMC (RPI, Union, Siena) are good.


She opted for Howard BSMD because they gave great merit scholarship

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