Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

My S got rejected from Brown PLME but got accepted to its undergraduate. He also got accepted to Harvard and UPenn. Drexel BS MD is only one we got accepted, the other one is in waitlist.
Although we got accepted to Rice, Georgetown, and Vanderbilt before IVY day, BSMD is still our number one choice. But now…, I noticed many people had asked the same question of IVY vs.BS MD. but cannot help asking and wish to get some advice.

Thanks a lot

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I know someone who felt cheated for not attending Harvard and choosing Rice/baylor based on parental pressure, finished rice in 3 years, did a masters at a top 5, applied and got into Yale and Hopkins and went to one of them.

Please dont pressure your kid to follow BS/MD dream and ignore Harvard and Penn as choices. Someone who can get into one of those will get an MD admission somewhere.

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Hi our daughter has gotten into UIC GPPA and BU SMED. Waitlisted at Brown and UPenn. Seems Really between BU And UIC direct meds. Torn between the two. Any advice or opinions would be great. Cost is not a primary factor.


I am also looking for suggestions. We have BU, PMM, TCNJ, Brown.
Wanted to know is brown really worth the cost? Is it true most of them get internal medicine as my son is mainly interested in surgery.
In my personal opinion and experience, PMM kids are very happy. They have already started making great connections. But how does one give up Brown :grinning:.
Any suggestions welcome


A kid with Harvard and UPenn should never go to a school like Drexel unless you think it was pure luck and won’t be able do it again.


Cost difference? Isn’t UIC instate?

Cost difference?

Thanks for sharing the residency rqmts.

@Rali_Jan it is based on residency only. Thanks for sharing details on Residency matches for Upstate.

Thanks @NoviceDad. Very happy encouraging to see UC’s stats.

We will await UC’s updated COA pkg to see if we have a good financial proposition based on our DD’s NMS Finalist status.


Hi! My kid got into PLME last year and is loving it. He actually had a pretty hard adjustment last semester (it was RUGGED) and honestly being in a school with S/NC options truly saved his future. The school was also suuuuper supportive. I have to say- PLME has given him peace of mind. Right now he has a 89.7 in Org and he is not freaking out, which is a refreshing change of pace :joy:

Have you run the NPC? Not to be indelicate but Brown is extending their financial aid policy to provide more help a greater number to qualify. I would never pay $700k of it but it may be you don’t have to! We are able to save the GI bill for med school thanks to the FA.


Their match info is on the website.

No program is worth taking an ADDITIONAL 700K debt.


Has anyone received any updates regarding Augusta’s BS/MD program?

Brown, BU, PMM, and TCNJ are great options. Congratulations to your kid and the proud family.
Some questions for you to think about -
Will you be able to fund your kid’s entire education or will your kid take loans? Will they be fine taking on loans? This decision is big but totally up to your kid! You should have conversations and see which option they love. It’s after all a 7-8 years commitment!

If cost is not so important, Brown PLME is great!


Congratulations to your S and proud parents on his multiple acceptances.

Harvard is an awesome option. Did Vandy or Rice give a merit scholarship?

Is there a cost difference to your S with any these options? How important is cost to your family?

Are both Brown and Rice full pay? if there is a cost difference - choose the one that costs less.

If cost is the same - go for Brown (due to IVY brand) - because you do have this option :slight_smile:

Questions - Is Rice nearer or Brown location wise?
Curious to know if there are any other options for your kid - in-state UG with merit scholarship or full-ride UG option?


I would suggest UIC. (in-state, closer, easier, costs less, all opportunities limited to instate students)

Some questions for you/your D -
UIC is in state and BU SMED is far for you. How comfortable is ur D going so far?

Calculate the Total cost of attendance for both UG and Med school. Include the cost of travel, summer, study abroad, etc. Which of these seems manageable? Even without cost, would it be ok if you cannot see your D frequently?

Many students in the past opted for UIC over others (REMS, SMED). And, last year, a kid (or maybe a couple) opted for BU SMED because they felt the additional cost was worth it for them!


UMKC vs Njit,tcnj,Stevens. Which should we take being OOS for both? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Leaning towards njit bsmd.

What do you like and dislike about both programs?