Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

@NoviceDad Case would be $100k less than Boston. Our daughter is very practical and would not want us “wasting” our money so we have resisted mentioning what’d we’d prefer as we know once we say “we want to save 100k” her decision will be made for our sake. We can manage the $100k if Boston is where she’ll be happiest.

Thank you everyone for your advice.


Anyone who is afraid of standardized tests will have very stressful path. My niece always struggled despite trying hard and it was painful to watch her to go thru that (multiple MCATs, not so great USMLE) but she survived and now going for fellowship.

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First…when you approach the school…don’t use “negotiation”. Use “reconsideration”.

You can present the higher offer to the other school for reconsideration. Are these need based awards? If so…what is your basis for reconsideration? Reduced income? High medical bills? What?


Thanks – Nice tips. really appericiated.

Or you could use 4 years of UG effectively. You get one extra summer, more time during regular academic year. One can sign up for research credits. My son had close to 2000 research hours in 4 years of UG.


Call the financial aid office of Harvard.
Your conversation should focus on:

  • Telling them that you are very interested in Harvard.
  • However, Stanford has dangled a very compelling financial aid package.
  • How can they help in matching or improving Stanford’s package?

They will most probably ask you to send in a copy of Stanford’s aid package which you should.
Then you have to wait and watch till they respond back.


Very nice tips. Thanks a lot. much appericiated.

Thanks for the response. Do Harvard consider only Tier1 ( E.g Standford) to improve their package?

We had received FULL RIDE from Emory UG. Can this be given as reconsideration point?

Standford had offer us “Standford Fund scholarship”. I am not sure, which is based on need based. It may be given to attract student.

Colleges generally consider packages from other colleges they consider as peers.


Do you think, Harvard consider Standford as peers but not Emory?


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Ok, Thank you,

How about Princeton and Brown – consider as peers?

I am a little confused as to what is going on in your mind.

Do you consider Brown as a peer of Harvard?

I am considering Harvard(75K) , however their package is not attractive as compare to other peers such as Stanford, Princeton, Brown, Emory. I hoping to have Harvard reconsider the package.

So, in your mind, Emory and Brown are peers.
What concerns do you have about joining them as they are peers?

Go easy on him :grinning:

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I am just trying to find out, which college/peers( Standford or Princeton or Emory etc) should I give Harvard for reconsideration? Below are package offered

Emory-Full Ride

Please clarify. Are you saying Harvard offered your kid $75,000 in need based aid? Then go to Harvard.

You can try to present the Harvard need based aid offer to Stanford and Princeton…but don’t hold your breath.

And why is this query in the BS/MD thread??


Agree. I have met someone locally whose two kids chose BS/MD over admissions to lottery schools for the simple reason they didnt want to take MCAT to get into med school.

They are just putting the long tests off by 5-6 years to step 1.