***Thread for BS/MD/DO 2022-2023***

Yep, we have been trying to narrow it down and we could not get anyone to come out against their school outside of UTMB this year. An OOS student with 4 admissions is choosing A&M over UTMB because A&M gave him the scholarship but this person had done the research and claimed couple of OOS students told this person they didnt get it last year from UTMB and they are currently attending.


Interesting article about Stanford:

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Interesting that he didnt even mention the law school scandal and how two circuit judges put a ban on hiring any law clerks from Stanford. Might be the wrong thread to discuss all this though.

I am also quite surprised not to see anyone saying they are trying to pick big S vs BSMD somewhere this year.


I guess no one who participate here got Stanford this year. Did anyone get Harvard?

It’s interesting to see people make big deal about MCAT here but with 496-500 score ORMs are getting DO admissions (as reported on SDN).

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I remember seeing Yale, Columbia, Princeton (I think people said grade deflation). Interestingly, I dont remember reading about PLME at all although I was on vacation that week and didnt read every message. Normally PLME admittees have several other choices.

DO MCAT requirements are all over the place. Someone I have known as a child is completing DO and just got into residency - 4.0 GPA but couldnt crack 500.

In Texas we have UNT which is old, established and acts not that different from the MD schools in Texas since they are funded by State. They are looking for 3.8+ and 510. A brand new DO school at Sam Houston is asking for similar stats because they want state funding and want to keep a high level stat base while they keep reapplying for funding (got turned down last year - currently charging 55-60k/yr compared to 20-25k for instate at others). A third DO school in San Antonio, a private one, seems to have 3.5-3.6 GPA and 503 as average.

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If anyone is still trying to compare schools, SDN X vs Y threads are very useful.

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Finally, DD got into LECOM. It took forever…


congratulations! when did she interview?

February 11 video. February 10 info session. Applied in November! It appeared in portal today… They will send email tomorrow. Timeline is ridiculous… :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: But she made it…


Parents and students: Please share your perspectives and stats on the RESULTS thread - this is helpful information for future students and parents.

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Surprised not a single post in the results thread!

Very surprised. Surprisingly quite crowd.
Unfortunately, future students will not be able to learn from their experiences.

True, lot of results posts are not that reflective though but there are few good ones over the years. Problem is more parents participate than students and parents are more about boasting lol

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Lots of parents DM to seek opinions/comments/questions etc., so does the results too there…

It’s been a busy cycle. Let them have time to enjoy, mourn, and reflect. I’m sure they’ll be back and leave their summaries (probably not without a couple of more reminders). Future applicants can compare stats, but the personal statements and the interviews are very subjective, not sure anyone can learn much from people before them.

The reason we try to get people to post results is to see what type of people are being accepted by which programs and also be able to reach out to someone to ask questions on their experiences. Personal statements are very specific based on a persons life experiences and interviews can change completely. Wouldnt be surprised if more people start doing them in person next year since REMS did interviews for BSMD only while MD school was doing zoom interviews.


Almost everyone has similar stats and ECs, so key is personal statements and LORs and May be one or two unique things they did. No one will share those.


I would appreciate forum expert advice about choosing the college.

  1. Seton Hall Path way program. BS/MD

  2. University of Toledo Honors admission and BACC2MD BS/MD

  3. Nova South Eastern Honors admission and BS/DO.

  4. Rowan Honors college.

University of Toledo : BACC2MD Pathway
3.5 cumulative GPA.
It’s a binding when you get admission. If not admitted you have time to take MCAT and go in to traditional path.
Interview guarantee if you meet program requirement.

Seton Hall Path Way: BS/MD
3.5 Freshman , 3.6 Sophomore, 3.7 Junior year GPA requirement
Grade B or above in all prerequisite courses.
Earn MCAT score in top 20 percentile.
No Binding.
25% seats are reserved for Seton Hall.

Nova BS/DO
GPA: 3.5
MCAT : 502
No Binding.
Guranteed a