***Thread for BS/MD/DO 2022-2023***

Yes, all the big state flagship schools are tough for premed, but good number of kids do well. So go by your kids abilities than others failures is what I have been saying for last 6 years and will keep saying every time I see only failure stories here.

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I agree you better know your child. How your high school compares to others not only instate but other top high schools across the country.

All BS MD Programs are not same and you do not want a smart kid lock and rust in low end programs.

Relative to what I have seen that there are not more than 10 B S MD programs which have ranked medical colleges.

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10? I thought only couple :smiling_face:

Those are just numbers (rough) but in reality it ā€œneeds to be higherā€ (depending on other factors too)

Say if you are in KY/AL and not an ORM then probably itā€™s good but say if you are in CA or one of west coast ā€¦ the competition is crazyā€¦ and you may not even sniff an invite.

I didnā€™t even add other criteria to complicate the equation :slight_smile:

Not to say other 6 are bad but agree Ideally only 4 below B S Md for top students who definetly will do well with traditional path.





Agree, but UG schools are not great for 3 of them.

Then you only have Brown decent undergrad but with hefty price tag and still a smart kid is locked with Brown Med school which is not even within T30 ranking level with only Incentive to move away from medicine.

Yeah, I wouldnā€™t pay full price for Brown if I have good UG options.

Really? If the definition of a great UG is ivy or top 10 so called ranked UG schools then I think more than 96% of students are not getting good UG educationā€¦ based on your comment.

I didnā€™t say top 10. I would take schools like Vanderbilt , Rice, Emory with scholarships over Brown full cost.

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Still a very misleading statement. There are hundreds of great UG schools that provide excellent education and prepare students for success.

I am comparing full cost of BSMD at Brown for premeds only.

Yes total COA is for both undergrad and med school end of the day. Most of the T20 med school are evenly priced with exception of NYU and almost rare academic non need based scholarships. Baylor BS MD both medical school COA with good undergrad schlarship is debatable if it can Make to T20 this year. Brown and Case are not even in the T20 medical school list.

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Yes, full cost to Brown PLME is a 800K dealā€¦ on the other hand if you get into Pitt BSMD most likely you have a full ride to UG and Case PPSP students get a big merit scholarship which covers more than half of their price tagā€¦

Yes, I take those over full cost Brown.

Requesting parents and students to share their stats and perspectives in the RESULTS thread.

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Cannot go wrong with either Case and Pitt with undergrad scholarship. Can apply out with MCAT for T10 medical schools after undergrad.

Brown you cannot apply out as you will loose the guarantee seat which does make sense as brown undergrad can fetch quite a few Brown undergrad seat in T20 and they do not encourage you to apply out else Program will suffer.

May be Brown undergrad networking can help you if you can afford the Brown COA but if you are taking loans would not advise to take Brown PLME if you know your child is a top achiever.

May be I missed it but did anyone post here about getting into PLME this year?

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For all practical purposes, you cannot apply out from Case PPSP. If you take the MCAT while being in Case PPSP you have to score at least in the 94th percentile or else your guaranteed seat is gone. That is why most people from Case PPSP do not apply out. So Case PPSP is somewhat like Brown PLME

Anyway for all purpose Case is a very good med school. Rankings are skewed still it has never never made to T20 but match list reveals placement is very good for Case Med and is almost same as T20.