***Thread for BS/MD/DO 2022-2023***

(Warning : This is NOT to disparage one vs other… so no need to be upset)

Unfortunately there is/will be huge difference/opportunities with DO/MD.

There are multiple threads (Google them)… few people like Novice,Vicky and RK have summed up some good points.

In short … if i have BSMD … i will go there… if i don’t have BSMD but have a BSDO (and don’t want to follow traditional) I will take BSDO , if i am deadset on family practice… (for other specialities handsdown BSMD)

I won’t cut corners (costs as in this case it’s NOT that huge) for the whole course



Yes, though rare there have been instances of students opting out of BS/MD on their own because of competing and compelling reasons and new kind of exposures not envisioned before. Though no one in my child’s batch opted out for that or any other reason, with some of them having both near perfect gpa and mcat scores, did hear of a student in their earlier batch (and child’s mentor) dropping out of the program. Apparently s/he was very interested in computer science and who knows perhaps an internship at google or something may have changed his/her priorities.

That was infact my advice earlier in the 2021-22 general thread to one of the posts, to keep the undergrad academics at the feeder portions of the programs relevant to what is going around, whether medical related or otherwise, in case if there were to be any changes of mind or priorities or situations.

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Hi! My son is interested in applying to the BS/MD programs. He has SAT score of 1530 (superscore 1550) and ACT of 35. Should he and can he report just the ACT score?
Thank you in advance for the help.

Yes he can… and more and more colleges ONLY look for ACT

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(I remember we covered this topic earlier too… :heart_eyes:)

Both of u raise good points and i believe all of us feel same… IMO people change paths due to many reasons (lose interest, better opportunities, pressured into the path and so on).

I don’t believe we can make a conclusion (unless we collect personal data/decision points from everyone).

Personally, I have seen few cases in guiding students … " many reasons students change mind" (it may be crazy to others) in not wanting to go to certain colleges, certain states etc., and they would rather change path (even this year one student was firm on only TRISTATE colleges and not even IVY with high cred).

In the end as long as happy…all good. JMHO


Thank you very much. In his case, will it be better to just report his ACT score and not to mention the SAT scores?

Think so, 1530 is on the lower end of the spectrum for BS/MDs and lot of these programs want the scores from a single sitting (no super scores). However we have been seeing acceptances even without stellar scores and vice versa (not getting in even with near perfect scores, just to keep in perspective).

Nevertheless feel 35 ACT > 1530 SAT and you are better of not reporting the latter (if not planning on taking it one more time and try raising it by 40 or so points)

Yes, except for one BS/MD program which requires both SAT and ACT, all programs accept either.
You will be ok submitting ACT scores.


Which BS/MD requires both SAT and ACT? Pls. advise

According to the 2018 ACT/SAT CONCORDANCE TABLE below, IMO you better submit a 35 ACT score rather than submitting a 1530 SAT.

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Not to add more confusion, but some programs look at a given ACT score micro-managerially. For example, is a 35 actually a 34.5 (rounded up), or a 35.25 (slightly missing the roundup to 36). How much is the science section score? Stuff like that. Better to be aware of that.


@rk2017 @cheer2021 @Rali_Jan
Thank you very much for the advice and info. Instead of trying to raise the SAT score, he can focus on his medical/research EC this summer then.


Sophie Davis/ CUNY (but last year they had made it test optional).


In your opinion, what would be the reason many applicants with SAT of 1400+ and 1500+ got rejected by LECOM EAP last year?
My S23 is interested in their program, and we want to have the best shot.

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Yes IMO 35 Act > SAT (as max of ACT is 36)… so it sound closer … you get it :slight_smile:

You will not go wrong with SAT either but if it were my student i will strongly urge to put ACT in this case…

Please do note… that ACT/SAT alone is just ONE of the many pillars/points… there are many others so don’t sweat and take it easy…

Good luck


Yep… I can vouch for that…

A perfect score of Science (36) or great score does make difference… when all others are same.

But in the end … many colleges do look holistically apart from scores… so people should not be overconcentrated on one area…

It’s a Looooong game with other areas too…

BTW not sure whether 2023 will “test optional” so it may be altogether different ball game (my guess possibly more great score as lots of kids will be taking it)…

Scores are only one factor of many.
Every year colleges look at the mix they want and look at both objective factors (GPA and scores) as well as subjective factors - course rigor, ECs, essays, LORs, interview performance (if selected), and more.

Hope this helps.

Hello everyone - new to this forum.

My child is thinking for applying to BSMD - one of our friends’ child had applied to such a program couple of years ago. Being immigrants, we are not aware of the US college application process. My friend keeps telling us it is complicated.

Hopefully this forum will be helpful.

@mywish4u @nbaj123 dudeperfect @happyFlamingo - can you please share the name and contact details of the consultant you used? Is there a way to email or send a message privately?

Makes sense. You shared the stats that you think make an applicant competitive for BSDO. That is very helpful. What volunteering and shadowing time (how many hours) do you think make an applicant competitive for BSDO?

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There are no set hours for any ECs but depth is preferable to breadth.