***Thread for BS/MD/DO 2022-2023***

When your daughter follows up, she should confirm the deadline. If it’s 11/1 and they receive the score before then, she could still change to “with score.”

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@Parentof2Ds : There is an option to change in “My Penn state” portal. It also says changes are allowed till 11/01 for PMM

The PMM deadline is Oct 15.

See this screenshot from the information document from PennState.

We tried to change it through portal at this page but is still showing as Included.

Does anyone know how to do the SRAR for Penn State? We don’t have a link yet for the MyPenn portal because my daughter submitted the common app today. Will that make her application incomplete if the SRAR is not done yet because we don’t have the link? This is so confusing.

I recall that we were able to select the college from SRAR. That was how we sent it to Pitt a couple of years ago.

Thank you! We tried but it just says we need to link it with MyPennState portal. But we won’t get the portal link for a few days after the common Application submission. So I guess we will just wait and see. Just hoping this won’t make the application incomplete. Thank you.

Have you tried this… https://srarsupport.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408743898907 ?

You will get an email around 12-24 hours after finishing common app for a MyPennState account. You can finish SRAR once you get the login. I would send an email right now explaining your situation since the deadline has passed.

Thank you! Yes this will help once I get the link— thank you!

Thank you for the tip. Will send an email now. Fingers crossed. Thank you.

According to the direction, you call up SRAR from the Penn State portal. Then, you’ll be prompted to log in to SRAR. Upon submission, your SRAR would be linked to the Penn State application.

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Thank you so much! Still waiting on the link. Thank you again.

You should be able to select Penn state from the SRAR portal right? I do not believe you will need a link if you have set up an SRAR account before for another college.

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That’s what I thought. That was our experience with Pitt.

my mistake, iirc it was closed last year

Thank you! Got it linked finally! Yay! It says linked on 10/16 though. I will check with admin if that is considered late. Thank you all!

For including test - Last year, this happened for my D also. the colleges just wait for the SAT test scores to arrive. The application and test scores do not have to reach the college at the same time.

For test optional - You can reach out by emailing the admissions. They may still consider your email request if they see that the time-stamp is before official end date.

Moreover for Penn state, the SRAR portal only requires self declared scores from SAT or academics.


Did you get a response from Penn State on your request to consider test-optional? What did they say?
@Vicky2019 is correct on “The application and test scores do not have to reach the college at the same time”.
CollegeBoard sends scores on snail-mail and it takes time to reach the colleges. Not sure, which option you pick “Rush Score” (2-3 days typically) or “Non-Rush” (once a week) send option. Either way, I am hoping in your case you will see “SAT Score” on PMM portal eventually. Good luck.

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We got a response from them but wasn’t useful :frowning: They kept saying that we could edit from the portal. I tried and I didn’t see a change in Test optional answer when we clicked the box that said Change Test optional response. So we requested the admissions office to mark her as Test optional from their side but they again responded to click on a box on the left side.
For sending SAT scores, we selected the regular option only. This was our first Bs/MD application so didn’t know the difference between Rush and Non Rush. We could have sent it earlier had I known about it. Some things are learnt the hard way. :slightly_frowning_face: