***Thread for BS/MD/DO 2022-2023***

While waiting for the results to come out, have a question for Case Western PPSP program. It is no longer a BS/MD program with a ‘guaranteed’ seat in Med school right?

What are the pros for that program other than having access to very good school/hospital for potential research opportunities.

isn’t similar to early assurance program, offered by good number of schools?

Its is not an early assurance. There isn’t a guaranteed admission with any BSMD except for UMKC (combined program), Howard and debated California Northstate. All others have conditions attached to the guarantee with varying levels.
So the pros are BS/MD, without MCAT in addition to what you mentioned. Access to Cleveland Clinic and kind of near ivy league private school. Next level to Brown PMLE.

California Northstate is not guaranteed. They are now a “pathway” as they describe it.

Be wary.

Saint Louis University MedScholars is non-guarantee program I am aware of. They only guarantee a med school interview if you meet GPA and MCAT requirements. No guarantee of admission.


The first wave of NJMS interview invites has started.

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I agree that majority of the programs have some requirements (min GPA, min MCAT score) including UMKC where a min GPA is required.

Here is what I see on the Case PSPP site

Progress is reviewed with each student at regular intervals in the program. At the end of the third year, Pre-Professional Scholars in Medicine who have met the required levels of performance go through the normal admission procedures for the University Program of the School of Medicine, including submitting an application through the American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS) and an interview. Participants who do not meet the required levels of performance may still be admitted into the University Program of the School of Medicine, but such admission will be subject to review and approval by the School of Medicine’s Admissions Committee.

SLU program has the same process where the students in their Medical Scholar are guaranteed an interview.

Anyone knows if the interview at CASE is a formality or similar to the interviews conducted by the Med schools where they compare the kids in PSPP with the rest of the general applications coming the traditional route before deciding on their application?

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GPA, MCAT score and other requirements are objective reqs. If you finish/achieve them then you are admitted to the SOM.
However an interview is subjective. A student may be very good but may not get thru the interview just because the interviewer got runny eggs for breakfast lol You know what I mean. There is no set reason for someone to flunk an interview.
So even if anyone says that the interview is just a formality, I would be wary of it just because it is subjective and depends on many factors and the outcome does not depend on any set criteria. The outcome of an interview only depends on how the interviewer perceives it.

None of the BS/MD (if am not mistaken) have the subjective requirement.

If that’s the case is it safe to assume that Case PSPP is similar to SLU Med Scholars or Early Assurance programs where the students have to attend an interview with the Med School folks?

Do you know which feeder school this is from

Well they can call it whatever they want, but the fact remains that they have an interview.

So in that sense it is similar. But if those are the only 2 options that you have then you have to take other things into account – the level of undergrad school, the med school, what chances you have if you are applying out if you flunk the interview. Considering those things I would c9nsider PPSP better than SLU.

But if I were to compare a BSMD without med school interview and PPSP I would think twice about PPSP.

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Thank you. BTW, I am not comparing Case with SLU.

@NoviceDad Did you mean interview invites or interview with Med school?

How did you find out that you were forwarded to NJMS? Did they call you, email you or updated your portal

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Do you know for what feeder school?

Anyone here received interview from NJMS?

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I mean interview invitation

Based on my past memory recall stating (and not keeping up to date with each school’s info or following all recent posts).
CWRU PPSP and SLU are comparing apple vs orange. SLU guarantees interview and not the outcome. PPSP similar to many programs (including OU which I am very familiar) have to apply thru AMCAS and name sake interview) but guaranteed as long as you meet the GPA and MCAT minimum requirements. If I recall correctly, PPSP if you apply to other schools in addition to CWRU in AMCAS, then the seat is not guaranteed and the interview is real, where as OU though you apply out seat is guaranteed and no interview at OU. At this stage attend interviews and only after you get all admissions think about which school, BS/MD vs regular etc. GL

I am not aware of any other BS/MD programs other than CASE where the students have to attend an interview (at least per program requirements listed on their websites). As @Park1212 mentioned the interview is subjective and student can only control the outcome upto certain point.

As I said earlier I am not comparing CASE with SLU from the reputation, what each school offers, opportunities available for the students. I only brought that reference to the interview SLU offers to the Medical Scholars.

anyone receive an interview yet

There is Temple BS/MD and FAU which require interviews. There may be some more also.