***Thread For BS/MD/DO 2023-2024 Applicants/Parents ***

Interesting that Brown has 5% of their class in PLME.

Do you know if someone receiving financial aid during undergrad receives similar FA during medical school or do the terms differ. I was told when HPME existed, the aid policy for undergrad to medicine were completely separate and similar level of FA was not available at Feinberg for continuing students.

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How is it 5% ? It is more like PLME is 40% of med class

Probably meant 50%. Our fingers donā€™t always cooperate with our brains.

5% of the admitted class in undergrad.


Just to put that into perspective 5% of admitted class at 5% admit rate is 0.25% admit chance. :slight_smile:

Different FA policy b/w UG and Med, itā€™s the same across all med schools/universities though

Not so sure about that. Many schools with FA only and no merit scholarships have reasonable FA outside of unit loans in medical schools. I know at least one person each attending Yale, Cornell and Columbia on almost full FA scholarship who are starting this year.

All are from Texas and each found these schools cheaper to attend than Texas schools where tuition is usually 22k.

To have this level of FA support from the school, they require parentsā€™ income and asset information. Otherwise, only loans, unless the school have merit scholarships that the students qualify for. Iā€™ve seen Tulane offer this kind of FA arrangement.

The 3 schools listed above officially have no merit scholarships.

The process/paperwork is no different in terms of what needs to be submitted for parental income for undergrad vs medical school at these schools.

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This conclusion is based on multiplying the percentage of the admitted class that the PLME represents (5%) by the overall admit rate (5%), but this logic isnā€™t correct because the two percentages arenā€™t independent. This is a conditional probability that depends on a student being admitted, not a probability that can be multiplied by the overall admission rate.

The PLME admit rate is quite low but definitely not 5% of 5%

sorry just had to chime in bc been doing math for fun since a lot of friends are in quant haha


Would you know how many applied to PLME but were only admitted to undergrad?

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We have been speaking to few College counselors to help our child with BS/MD/PreMed college applications. Unfortunately, C has received a C+ grade in a Medical Vocabulary course in the junior year. All of them told us that any C in the transcript is a kiss of death for BS/MD or Ivy colleges. We should not consider them to be reaches. Otherwise c has decent all round stats. I would greatly appreciate hearing your thoughts and insights on this matter. If you believe that additional details about cā€™s profile would be helpful in assessing the impact of the C grade, please let me know, and Iā€™ll be happy to provide more information.

The commonapp has a section for additional information. If your child needs to explain the C, perhaps try it there. Lots of people did worse during the COVID years due to anxiety and virtual schooling note that in this section. Donā€™t let anyone deter you from reaching for the stars, but also be realistic that those elite programs are a reach for anyone.

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Just to be clear, Medical vocabulary class offered by your highschool or it was a college course C took while C was a junior in highschool?

If itā€™s one C in a class she didnā€™t have to take, May he explaining in additional details section may save the application. Come up with a good story.

This is a specialized High School focused in Health and Life Sciences track. The course is offered by the State University, however it is integrated in the core curriculum and will be in the transcript. Other than the tables stakes (SAT/AP/Volunteering/Music), Varsity swim team captain, worked at hospital and will have research publication before application. I am sorry to sound paranoid, but hearing this from top counselors have shaken us. Thanks for all your inputs.

Iā€™d say, ā€œDonā€™t feel intimidated.ā€
Those people have not seen the complete application, itā€™s premature for them to make that statement. Donā€™t let naysayers shake your confidence. Once all the basic elements (SAT/ACT, volunteer, etc) are fulfilled, itā€™s the writing that helps decide whether someone got an interview. Once the interview is done, then the admission committee has everything to consider admission. Good luck!

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I agree, give it a shot but be aware that BSMD or traditional path admissions are totally unpredictable or crapshoot for ORMs.

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In my opinion, an ORM could do activities to counter their ā€œprivilegedā€ status. Iā€™ve seen a lot of ORMs fooling the system that values DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) by establishing non-profits to run prior to college application and their non-profits would die after they get admitted. I donā€™t recommend this approach. Instead, find activities that fit your interests and help convey the DEI theme.

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In my opinion, the only optics to overcome is that your C can not perform at the college level course. Fully agree with srk2017 it is a crapshoot. you never know what the school might click with on your C app. Try to touch on it in some of the essays or the supplementals. Show that C is a human :slight_smile: and anyone could have a bad experience as long as they learn from it. Did C take another college class after that one that he did well? That could be put into the story. Could be spun as a learning experience for him/her.