Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Those who applied to BU - do all of your Recommendation Letters (pdf that were emailed by teachers) show on the portal now? Its been more than 25 days for us but they still don’t show up. We called them 2 weeks ago and they said they have it but currently only 2 of 3 show on portal. 1 is still missing and is making us uncomfortable - that our application is still not complete. Anyone else on the same boat?

Are PSU SKMC interviews already happening? I haven’t received an email about it yet which worries me.

Hey 9the0girl7, what do you consider as rural/underrepresented states? Also I believe I am from a state where relatively no one applies for BSMD as well. Does coming from these states actually help in admissions? I know for a fact getting a research positions like the NIH publications a lot of the East Coast applicants have is difficult for where I am from, but it is also very easy for me to be the top of my class. So how does this all play into admissions?

Its same for us. Only one of the 3 letters is updated on the portal last week and other 2 are still missing. Its not a good process they have for timely processing them to tie to the applications.

@9the0girl7 imo, your rural/underrepresented state status will not give you any advantage at NJIT/NJMS. FYI, NJMS is located in an urban neighborhood (Newark, NJ).

I received acceptance at NJIT undergrad but I am still waiting on the Honors College. Could that be the reason why I have not received an interview? Or did the school send out invitations at one shot?

It takes them much longer than 25 days to show up on the portal. It took more than 4 weeks for my daughter’s to show up. Hope that helps.

@futuremed2027 my state is SUPER underserved, even in the urban areas. we don’t really have access to a lot of the things the rest of the united states has. i’d say that states like idaho, wyoming, etc fall into this category.

honestly, i have no idea how the application process works and what factors they consider, especially since im going through this for the first time lol.

i mean, that’s under the assumption that i haven’t previously lived in an urban area. i guess i’ll let the AO’s determine if im a good fit for the program.


We have applied for BU bs/md as well. We don’t see the pdf documents but we do see that Received status for everything except “Senior Grades (Mid-Year Report)” . I think that this senior grades not available until Dec.

My S received an interview schedule from SKMC couple of weeks back. May be you will be in the next round

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Has anyone received a supplement from any of the Upstate feeder schools?

Hello everyone,

I’m just posting to let everyone know that I’m willing to provide some insight into the AMC programs. I attended Union as part of the Union/AMC program and am now in my first year at AMC. I can also provide some insight into Case Western and Stonybrook (I was accepted to those programs in 2016), but there are probably better people to ask if you want info on those programs. I know it’s late in the cycle, but the first semester of Medical school was pretty stressful and busy (go figure).


Believe not all the feeder schools for upstate require additional supplements as some of them already had bsmd essay included in CA. We did receive supplements for RIT (due Dec 6th) and SUNY Poly (due Nov 30th).

And, upstate is rolling admissions. So feeders may send supplements in different batches.

good to hear from you.
How has the experience been?

@Undecided3494 - I got the acceptance from Union with presidential scholarship. I am waiting for next steps from AMC. I have couple of questions about the program–

First, can you please tell us how Union prepared you for medical school and what opportunities you found nearby?

Second, Do you have any suggestion on what to expect from AMC?


My D just got admitted to Stony Brook University (From Portal). She is still working on the essays for both Honors and BS/MD but plans to submit them next week. She is still waiting for email and the acceptance letter.

Good luck everyone !!!

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Can anyone update me on the PSU SKMC program? I submitted my application but I haven’t gotten an interview notice yet. Did I already get rejected from the program? I applied only through the common application so did I miss anything? I’m pretty worried.


We applied through the common app and got an interview request from SKMC couple of weeks back. You are good and may receive interview this week. Stay strong

Its too early to be worried in this long process. As long as your application checklist is all complete (which is in our control) and portal says so, you don’t want to be worried!

If its going to comfort you- our status says “Your application is currently under review. We have received everything required to complete your application. Once a decision is made, it will be posted here”.