Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

W&J has 5 seats with Temple BS/MD. W&J is a separate feeder college for Temple and there is a separate application to be initiated from W&J.
W&J is in Washington PA - about 30 miles south of downtown PITTSBURGH (about 6 hours away from Philadelphia where Temple is located).

I personally do NOT recommend W&J for anyone - in my view it is not a college for BS/MD caliber kids. Middle 50% SAT scores for kids at W&J is 1060 to 1260 and every year approx. 20-25% of the freshmen class do NOT return for second year. And only 15-20 students apply to medical school (apply to both MD and DO and probably includes BS/MD kids). About 8-10 kids get admitted.

Yes, These are two separate programs for Temple LKSOM. Apply separately for both if you want to.


Right now the ACT is forging ahead with face to face plans for testing in July.

In our county they will do everything to keep that test going since the county sponsors an intensive reading program and the kids are given the ACT at the end as part of the class. The ACT is an allowable substitute for their grad req’d testing. It’s a big deal for the kids.

They are still on track for introducing the by section testing in September and online testing but that testing will still be in a center (per the last discussion).

@grtd2010 Thanks!

And just to be perfectly transparent, my numbers have a high margin of error. The programs aren’t always upfront about seat numbers and so random websites got used. I did a lot of googling so take the list with a grain of salt, like maybe a Dead Sea amount

NJMS- 170ish (TCNJ and NJIT 15 to 20; Rutgers, Stevens Drew 5-10)

NJMS class of 2023 has 178 matriculants. IMO, majority are NOT coming from BSMD pathway. Please call individual feeder school to get correct stats for acceptances and those who matriculate to NJMS. See NJMS class profile for 2023 using url below. NJMS has IS preference ( 80% IS vs 20% OOS).

It was recently brought to my attention that SUNY Upstate Medical University Early Assurance Program works similarly to Mount Sinai FlexMed.

If students are not sure if BSMD is the right option for them and want to try out Undergraduate colleges instead before medicine. These students may want to consider applying to colleges with Early assurance programs.

Some of the below are really selective. If interested, Early Decision application could be considered to the UG where applicable. Public universities & Georgetown do not offer Early Decision, only Early Action.

List of Early assurance programs-

Albany Medical College Early Assurance Program
Boston University Early Medical School Selection Program
Brody School of Medicine Early Assurance Program
Dartmouth University Geisel School of Medicine Early Assurance Program
Drexel University College of Medicine Early Assurance Program
Georgetown University School of Medicine Early Assurance Program***
Hofstra/Northwell Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine, Zucker Pipeline Program
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Flex Med Program
Michigan State University College of Human Medicine Early Assurance Program
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Early Assurance Program
Penn State College of Medicine Early Assurance Program
SUNY Upstate Medical University Early Assurance Program
Temple University Lewis Katz School of Medicine Early Assurance Program
Tufts University School of Medicine Early Assurance Program
University of Chicago Pritzker school of Medicine Early Assurance Program
University of Florida Medical Honors Program
University of Rochester School of Medicine Early Assurance Program
Wake Forest School of Medicine Early Assurance Program

Mount Sinai has a flexmed early admission program which is open to sophomores from anywhere in the USA.

FYI, Rutgers-RWJ & NJMS have early assurance programs for Rutgers-Sophomore students only.

Hi, can someone please share some info on Siena/Albany? Number of students, in-state preference, or anything else. On their webpage page it says it is 4+4, so it is definitely not an accelerated program.

How did you feel like you did on the AP Bio test? If you feel likely to get a 4 or 5, you are better off going with the credit option. So no one dare think you flunked in that class. Also take subject test in Bio at your convenience.

I feel better not take the brunt of such unexpected non student friendly decisions by the schools during this challenging time.

@junebug20 - Good to know. Thanks!

@grtd2010 - Good to know. Updated my list

@rk1235rk - AMC early assurance program between Siena College and Albany Medical College is a 4+4 BS/MD program. Siena college sophomores can apply to this if they have 3.5 GPA or above.

Siena AMC places special emphasis on humanities, ethics and social service and selects students based on these attributes. There is some kind of service proposal requirement for UG as well.

No MCAT needed. Students are however not allowed to apply to other medical schools.

More info -

[quote=“Vicky2019, post:233, topic:2096007”]

@rk1235rk - AMC early assurance program between Siena College and Albany Medical College is a 4+4 BS/MD program. Siena college sophomores can apply to this if they have 3.5 GPA or above.

Siena AMC places special emphasis on humanities, ethics and social service and selects students based on these attributes. There is some kind of service proposal requirement for UG as well.

No MCAT needed. Students are however not allowed to apply to other medical schools.

More info -

@rk1235rk - Sorry, a little mix up. Obviously has early assurance on my mind1!!! The above is the early assurance program.

There is another BSMD program “Science Humanities and Medicine Program” as well for high school students. Details are provided below -

The below link also has other BS MD programs with AMC - RPI/AMC and Union/AMC in addition to Siena/AMC -


Thank you for your response.
It is so hard for me to predict my AP Bio score as I have not been in the class and did not have any online classes for my school’s AP Bio teachers. I did find the first question long so maybe that will pull me down to a 3/5. I signed up for the AP Bio test as our Honors Bio teacher is tough but self-studied so that is why
thought of that but do not have a way of predicting that score. Do you think with a 3/5 on the AP Bio test I would still show CREDIT for Honors Bio semester 2? Hoping colleges discount data points they see from S2 2020 but they may forget the covid times in 2020-23

Thank you!

You ar still planning to take AP Bio in a subsequent year, correct? Hopefully you will have a better teacher and a better grade (even a B+ is fine on AP Bio) and a better test score. All these carry much bigger weightage than what your transcript says for the current semester. So I wouldn’t worry too much if I were in your place and opt for the credit instead of the grade.

Congratulations! This is awesome!! Was he able to get the LORs etc this early? DC already asked the intended teachers and while they were all very happy to do it, they kind of mentioned that it will be given once the school opens. Is it ok to suggest whether they can give it over the summer? Don’t want to be pushy/rude as we know its technically off months for the teachers.

Thank you.

Thank you so much @grtd2010 and @NoviceDad for your reply. So if the residency match is now from the same pool, does that mean DO kids now have a lesser chance to get their number 1 specialty going forward?

Thanks GRTD2010 and NoviceDad for the great info.

Not necessarily.
They were already competing with MD kids for specialties after giving USMLE.