Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Anybody heard from Boston U yet?

I too noticed the same. All BS/MD interviews are not made equal!

CWRU, U of R would call for 4 times # of students for interview.

Previously, NU HPME would call 6 times # of students for interview

Usually BU calls 2-3 times for interview
Penn State usually only calls 2 times the # of students for interview

I don’t think so. Usually hear from them after new year in January.

S got an email yesterday of UIC college honors acceptance for UIC GPPA.

Did anyone else get it?
How many get admissions to UIC Honors or UIC GPPA program every year?

Yes, it’s understandable. I tell D to remember that it is just 1 school on her list of many.

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IMO, Penn State OOS price difference is NOT worth for regular route pre-med. Most State Flagship universities provide ample research opportunities for UG. Some even have dedicated research program office for UG like URP. Most universities provide AP/IBs credits with well established policies. Research and APs credits are NOT two valid reasons to choose PSU for premed UG for OOS students, IMO. These two factors are not unique to PSU but available at other universities specially your State Flagship universities like Rutgers in NJ.

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Did anyone on this thread get a Bonaventure invite?

@sam2024 and others -

We have talked about being risk averse, risk vs. return in this forum quiet a lot. I wanted to share my personal experience and provide my perspective since I am for risk averse.

IMO, hard work is not always enough, sometimes life happens. One prestigious (or not) college doesn’t define you. My personal experience is - Lifetime achievement requires life time commitment and hard work.

When my son was a junior, I and my daughter became extremely sick, it took nearly 8-10 months to diagnose what the issue was, doctor multiple doctor appointments/week every month. We had to undergo surgery. My husband had to take care of me and our daughter.

My S had to do everything himself - cook for himself, walk to his ECs (we live in a remote area and he couldn’t drive then), manage school work. He also had to help us/family out frequently.

He refused to talk about any of these problems in any of his UG or BS/MD essays either because he felt strongly these were not his achievements and his admission should be based on his achievement!

So, when he showed interest in BS/MD and got into a few
we felt this was bird at hand. We knew from our experience that life is un-predictable
Who knows what happens with life in next 4 years of UG. A 3.5 GPA and a 504 MCAT to get into a med school which is ranked#52 seemed a pretty decent low hanging fruit to us.


Every college/ program has their own definition of yield and how they manage it.

Which is why a student gets selected for an interview at one college but gets rejected at another similar college.

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In-state public university BS/MD programs definitely are cheaper. Even instate pre-med will be preferable compared to OOS public universities or even top UG (private) for price conscious people.

However, personal opinions aside - we have seen, some students will continue preferring top UG’s from private colleges.

IMO, What is good for a student or a family varies and is a personal decision. everyone has the freedom to choose what fits them!

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@Vicky2019 Your S journey is commendable while facing these hardships during high school. Your choice of PSU/SKMC is excellent with the MCAT 504 and UG 3.5 for matriculation to SKMC. These are easily achievable for students like your S. D had higher requirements for matriculation ( UG GPA 3.6 and MCAT ~ 510 with subsection minimums). Let folks decide what is good for them based on their available choices when the decision time comes.

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@grtd2010 - Thank you for your kind words

tbh, not that many kids can respond like your S did is commendable. That personality trait unfortunately not everyone’s cup of tea.

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Congratulations! If the school happens to be Princeton factor in the grade deflation and extreme competition in your eventual decision making.

Also, with regards to seemingly high gpa requirement at UPitt BS/MD on the other post, it is not. No student capable of getting into their BS/MD should have an issue with that. But as I had mentioned earlier, couple of students in a recent batch chose to quit the program after junior year deciding to apply out. Probably one of the reasons they changed their admissions criteria for BS/MD recently from test perfect based to more holistic, because they may now be scared those kids may quit the program after their MCAT and having to spend 4 years on undergrad.

Not to put down Rutgers in any way but no comparison to the undergrad exposure there versus at Penn State.

Not true, it is your opinion only. PSU is better in NCAA football competition compared to Rutgers.

One year difference between 7 or 8 yrs for medical school and UG does not matter in long career as a physician/specialist. With a GPA ( > 3.7) requirement and a great MCAT score, folks will naturally want to take risk and apply out ( regular route MD).

Buckle up everyone, we are heading into same weeds again

Really an impressive message from you. Glad to hear that everything went well at the end. Hope your D doing and feeling great now. All the very best to your son.
My S got an interview from PSU for BS/MD program. Hope he will do well on Jan 13th.
We have applied for few other BS/MD programs. No message from Upitt and found out that they are not going to send any more invites. Drexel moved his application to the next level. Waiting from BU, CWRU, GWU and RPI/AMC. Lets see.
Thanks again for all your valuable information

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My D received it yesterday evening
 it’s little overwhelming she has to schedule 3 interviews separately 2 one-one & 1 group