Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

My S received an email from AMC this morning and ask him to complete Supplemental application.

Anyone received next steps on AMC after submitting the supplemental?

How long does it take for AMC to let us know whether we will be offered an interview or not after submitting the supplemental application. Not really sure about how they are going to be doing it since holidays are coming up.

From the previous years post, students got interview invite from 3 days to 4 weeks after supplemental application submission.

Anyone heard back from Bonaventure?

Somebody said they did, not us.

Yes my DD got an email from Bonaventure

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When did she get the email?

I did not get it, but I believe some people got it Friday

Got PMM finalist, UPitt GAP invitation, RPI/AMC supplements, But have not heard from TCNJ instate. Are they done interviewing or is there instate applications are still waiting from TCNJ to hear.

All Upstate supplement receivers from Thursday, have it submitted by tonight.

Don’t stress out for finding the payment link within the application URL, its probably not there. I try to navigate carefully and could not find it. Once you submit, follow the instructions provided in post#3667. Thanks to @mygrad2021 proactively reaching out to Krystal and posting the details.

I just completed the submission and paying the fee $65 with separate URLs

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Last Friday, dec 18th

Friday dec 18th

When did she apply and has she been accepted to the base school yet? I sent in my application November 29th and haven’t heard anything from St. Bonaventure yet, let alone their BSMD. However, it does say that admissions counselor is the BSMD person (Mr. Chris Scheppner)

Try asking him directly whether they’re still sending invites

She applied around Nov 20th and yes she has been accepted to SBU undergrad. And then an email to set up for 3 interviews

On the payment page, for select your program; Did you select Medicine since BS/MD is not an option.

Reg Upstate Fee:
Yes chose Fall and Medicine.

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Did you get supplement or interview?

Okay thank you so much! I will keep on the lookout for any more updates. Did she get accepted prior to getting the email for the interviews or did the come around the same time?