Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

How many students are accepted into FAU? Do they prefer I state?

Last time we asked - they said around 10-12. Also, they mentioned last year class was even smaller than this. They highly prefer NMF. Didn’t seem to indicate they have in-state preference.

No interview.

I don’t think there was an interview. If you go to upstate process, the only interview is after one has been forwarded and selected for interview.

Your views are aligned with me and I agree with Love4BSMD as well. I have followed these threads for the past 2 years to gain education on BS/MD programs and medicine in general for my two kids and I do read such posts once in a while such where people try to preach the obvious.

My son is applying to BS/MD programs and Pre-Med UGs this year. Living in CA disqualifies you as OOS in most in-state/regional preferred BS/MD programs except for CNU. The closest BS/MD program is about 3000 miles away. Now I am not trying portray adversity here. I am just highlighting the fact that everyone’s journey is different. As you rightly said about your nephews, things will happen along the way and one will fall, dust off and move on. It is a matter of making the right choices as the opportunities are presented. Preparation for BS/MD programs takes a toll in high school as we all know. UG can be fun if planned properly. Kids will develop in all aspects if they can focus on overall human development. Good luck as you are trying to elevate others.


Yes, if you already invested lot of time in medical ECs then apply to BSMD programs and UGs and make an informed decision in March/April and you don’t need to justify to anyone is what I have been preaching for last 3 years after we went thru the process in 2016-2017. In fact going thru the process gave us some good insight. One thing different is my son or us were not 100% sold on BSMD and focused all on medical ECs and applied to 6 programs only. I understand if someone invested too much into BSMD process it’s hard to give it up and I am here to encourage people to have open mind and don’t sell your kid short out of fear.


 Don’t let fear to cut your kids wings. And if you are indeed top talent, you can do much better than some random BS/MD programs.

This was not directed towards you personally or any one in particular. You seem to be an avid reader on this forum. Misleading info is not helpful to anyone.

It depends on the school. My daughter had UG interviews from some upstate feeder schools but not from others. She was lucky that UGs that interviewed her forwarded her to Upstate, but I don’t think that’s a given. Some that didn’t hold interviews also forwarded her to Upstate. From what I understand, Upstate will decide whether to interview or not, and then after interview, if they decide to offer a seat, they will specify the UG to attend as well.

Hope someone from last year SUNY-Upstate cohort will share any helpful additional info with us.

Yes. Let’s hope my son makes the right choice. Thanks for your input.

Assuming they get similar applicants as TCNJ and Rutgers, it looks like they may have to filter like TCNJ and Rutgers. I am assuming everyone filters.

Precisely the point for misleading info as we know from few years, everyone on this thread comes from difference perspective and have knowledge, stats, desires, risk appetite about programs spread out all over the spectrum.

I wish parents who gone through this process and keep sharing their experiences on different thread as well as here would help community for good. But some have choose to give anecdotal examples but failed to post their own kids experience (I respect privacy). Even so embolden into self glory that they failed to congratulate on someone’s achievement in traditional route, simply because its a different choice they made.

Biggest obstacles I have seen over and over is misleading information and fear mongering.

Glad we all understand each other and arguments are not personal to anyone as we barely know each other that well.

I don’t read that often as other old timers anymore but I have informers who alert me whenever misleading stuff is posted and I will come to correct that :slight_smile:

As I wrote in my post, decision to enroll in a particular program/college depends on several factors, someone’s risk appetite and personal fit. Considering MCAT/GPA is just one factor among many. No one is cutting the corners by not taking GMAT/GPA.

Also Sophie Davis/CUNY comes to mind. But among the programs suggested so far, Brown PLME has very slim chances for ORM (Asian origin) applicants and Howard and CUNY programs try to encourage URM participation in medicine.

But no harm in trying out if you are done with all other applications and have enough time to quickly write essays and furnish any specific application requirements of these programs.

Agree, treat no MCAT/low GPA as perk, not a necessity.

Let me clarify to you and to the hopeful ( in your advertisement) on this forum who perhaps understood what I meant to say in my post. This forum heavily focuses on BS/BA/MD programs so you have the right to show your ignorance.

For record, MD and DO are two different paths to be a medical doctor. Both deal with medicine except that are defined differently and have different training. There is plenty of info out there to educate on both. I do not recommend one vs other. My son has been admitted to one of the DO program. It is someone’s personal choice to pursue one vs. other.

Agree about the path and training, at the end of the day they both are called Dr and both are applied for same residency spots. To my knowledge, there are no residency spots that would exclude one or the other. You barely find top talent goes to DO though, irrespective of the route. Personal choice always prevails.

FAU takes 12 students - 6 from each campus.
Two years back, it used to be 16 but they reduced it last year.

Last year, they had interviews over 4 or 5 days.

Are they into community medicine as well? Would you know @NoviceDad?